ex-OSA staffmember works to reform the subject of Scientology

Posts tagged ‘scientology’

What Was It Really, that Took Apart My Family?


It was a sad day in December 2012 when I realized that the founder of my “religion” of 18 years was in reality, also the architect of the break-up of my family.  That L. Ron Hubbard, himself, was the engineer of the policies we were expected to follow…

I began to write this post in December of 2012, the month that I was in Costa Rica retrieving what was left of my possessions from where I had lived for 8 years, having already sold or got rid of most of what I had owned in order to relocate there in 2004 to be with my new wife.  At that time I had even cashed out my teacher retirement in order to donate thousands of dollars to the church.

I am posting this now – one whole year later – having finally gotten up the courage to do so.  (No one can say that I did not take the time to confirm the actual truth of the matter.)

As an admirer of an effective technology developed under his direction, I had been a devoted follower of L. Ron Hubbard for 19 years when I finally had this realization.

Knowing that I could be offending a lot of people who still think as I once did – that Hubbard was a “saint” beyond reproach – I long held my tongue.

No more.

It was a sad day for me in December of 2012 that my wife of 8 years – (both of us were Scientologists) – was forced to cut off all communication between us, and even with her two sons (even though one was not a Scientologist and wanted to stay in contact with me) in order for her to remain “in good standing” and continue participating in services.  All of them had been my family for 7 years – through good times and bad.  It was then that she finally completed the process required of her by the church, known as “DISCONNECTION.”

I had been a volunteer missionary who worked to defend the church (mission) there, using my time and at my own expense, with very little compensation ever received.  I spent the prime of my life doing this.

But because I could no longer shut my eyes to the corrupt side of L. Ron Hubbard’s $cientology, I lost everything I had worked for there.

For the past 30 years, $cientology has been run by government-sanctioned mafioso, David Miscavige – a brash and ruthless punk, hand-picked by L. Ron Hubbard himself (well before his death in January 1986) to hire the very best IRS-connected attorneys and re-organize $cientology to “make money… and… make more money…

On Hubbard’s orders, Miscavige went through all torturous tricks of criminal evasion in order to not lose any of that money to the government tax authority – the IRS.  Miscavige was simply at first, carrying out the orders and advices of his mentor, L. Ron Hubbard – but also with his own secret designs beginning to emerge, for assuming power and total control of the religion and its followers.

All this was furthered by a long pattern of religious cloaking which helped to conceal their criminal acts – not only those actions ordered by them against those whom they designated “enemies,” but ongoing criminal acts of inurement (misappropriation of donations violating “non-profit” status) and fraud carried out against their own parishioners.

Despite the fact that David Miscavige took this criminality sanctioned by “religious doctrine” to new extremes, it should be pointed out that it was L. Ron Hubbard who designed, implemented and maintained almost every aspect, rule and policy of the religious group/cult known as $cientology as still practiced in its international organization today.

I lost my family to Hubbard’s cruel, anti-family and anti-life policy known as “Disconnection” which was instituted to protect his monopoly – something he’d once warned against ever happening in Scientology (see an unedited version of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture #20).

I also discovered then in December 2012 – at the same time I was losing my family – that sometime back in 1983, L. Ron Hubbard ordered a policy letter written up that re-instated ‘Disconnection’ as official policy for the $cientology religion, knowing full well the trouble it had brought him with governments in the late 1960’s, when he’d officially canceled the policy, and even promised a government in an official letter that:

 “the Board of Directors of the Church of Scientology …have no intention of re-introducing this policy”


“I can see no reason why this policy should ever be re-introduced, as an extensive survey in the English speaking countries found that this practice was not acceptable.” – LRH

(These quotes are from a letter sent to “The Commission of Enquiry into Scientology in New Zealand” on 26 Mar ’69 by  L. Ron Hubbard.)

L. Ron Hubbard LIED!

(Not to mention this was going back on the written “Code of REFORM” – from August 1968, that led to the decision for “Cancellation of disconnection as a relief to those suffering from familial suppression.”)

Now, before anyone says that story of the ‘Disconnection’ policy reinstatement is a flimsy basis for pointing at the founder of Scientology, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard himself – for knowingly and willingly breaking up families – like mine – in order to create and maintain an insular cult that he would financially benefit from, I have something to share that makes any challenge to that ‘Disconnection’ reinstatement story, completely unnecessary.

The fact is that completely apart from the revelation by former leaders of the church who had witnessed the official re-instatement of ‘Disconnection’ came from Hubbard himself, I also came to realize in the course of my researches, that Mr. Hubbard himself knowingly and willingly assigned a pregnant woman to the Rehabilitation Project Force, a rather cruel act – and that years earlier he had built his Sea Organization and firmed up his authoritarian command of it by instituting cruel punishments like “overboarding” ministers-in-training (including elderly women trainees) and according to an account written by Alan Walter, forcing a man to push a peanut across a ship’s deck with nose skin bleeding and his wife and kids crying – who had to stand by watching in humiliation (note that there are different accounts that vary from this story told by David Mayo).

Add to all that multiple reports of assigning a 4-yr-old boy to 4 days and nights in the cold, terrifying chain locker of his Apollo ship.  (Some reports allege more than one child so assigned – again, as young as four years of age.)

You see, sometime before this ‘Disconnection’ hit me full force, I took a new look through an L. Ron Hubbard book entitled “Scientology Ethics” and at its origins in 1965 Ethics policies, and I finally reached the inevitable conclusion that more and more people alienated from their loved ones by the continued mis-use of ‘Disconnection,’ are bound to reach:

  • that L. Ron Hubbard, himself – genius that he was – by these actions and in a long-term failure to come clean, nevertheless undid a whole lot of the good he had once done for people in developing a highly workable technology for “helping people help each other”
  •  that in 1965 he developed policies, rules and restrictions that – taken as a whole – virtually guarantee that  people will be attacked unjustly, cruelly denied help in time of greatest need, and covertly guided into disconnecting from their own friends and family, in order to maintain their “good standing” in his church
  • that his 1965 actions and “ethics” policies within a few years had created a paramilitary cult (very little of those policies were ever necessary to protect the actual technology, but instead were crafted to protect the power of his appointed inner cliques – hiding criminal activity and even permitting and condoning criminal activity to do so – which activity has plagued the organization ever since)

Tragically, we find that the very first set of processes (now known as the “Power Processes”) that consistently worked on nearly all persons who received them (many processes had been advertised that way, but these were the first that Hubbard recognized were actually meeting peoples expectations enough to sell with confidence at a premium) became the first of many gross violations of his representations and promises supposedly made to “all mankind” and to Scientologists in his essay entitled, “My Philosophy” – written just weeks before he sequestered these processes for highly limited use.

Power Processes were sequestered by authoritarian decree.  Rules and policies without reasonable explanation suddenly declared them, “dangerous” and “too dangerous for auditors to be trusted with them.”

So much for “planetary clearing”!

By keeping these processes from the field and asserting that they were “dangerous” in the hands of those not trained and trusted under his organization, L. Ron Hubbard squirreled away critical portions of a workable mental and spiritual technology (“Power Processing,” and “R6EW” processes to uncover “dramatization”) from mankind, in a bid to build and preserve empire and “make money and… make more money.”

He then – in that same year 1965 – developed and instituted cruel, anti-family policies to protect his planned monopoly and cover up his own crimes and his greed in squirreling away these processes that might actually have accomplished his stated objective of “clearing the planet” (getting the peoples of earth simple, effective tools they might use to overcome the effects of traumatic experiences ).  He instead insisted knowingly under false pretenses, that these new processes, discovered with the help of his Saint Hill students, must become and remain, “confidential.”

Above all, it would be vital to understand that ‘Disconnection’  – as a practice of Hubbard’s new 1965 version of $cientology – was not just a policy put into place by one Policy Letter, but was already deeply woven in with malice aforethought, throughout numerous points of an “ethics code” – comprising a “technology” of “ethics” – including technically unworkable and outright harmful “PTS” (Potential Trouble Source) restrictions on auditing (counseling therapy) anyone supposedly connected to an “enemy” a transparent effort to conflate truly psychopathic personalities with anyone he considered an “enemy” for failing to lend him the support he demanded – whether deserved or not.

In other words, a bully who abused his status as technical genius among serious students of the mind and spirit.

In the “ethics codes,” a person in Scientology who is connected to a person or group thought to be hostile to Scientology, is quickly forced to recognize that his/her future in the improvement technology of Scientology auditing actually depends as a technical fact, on demonstrating no connection remaining to whatever person or group has fallen out of favor.

If you see no actual logic to that, I congratulate you.  You probably either were not subjected to Hubbard’s pressurized indoctrination, or you too, have suffered the effects of Fair Game or Disconnection.

I well remember playing the endless game as a Public Divisions staffmember, of being presented with someone who really, truly needed help in life and was willing to do anything to get it, being turned away because somebody’s interpretation of Hubbard policy prevented it.  And at the time, I did not even think to question or blame the founder as policymaker.  No.  I rationalized it, and participated (although reluctantly most of the time) in such unnecessary injustice (factually a case of “When Help Becomes Betrayal“).

Because I found real Scientology auditing so helpful, I was blinded to the price I was expected to pay for enjoying personal improvement beyond my highest, previous expectations.

And with that realization, the only real ‘Disconnection’ that I am in need of at this time, is from Hubbard’s organization which, cloaked in religious trappings and protected by religious exemptions, is set up to “utterly ruin” its arbitrarily designated “enemies” (like me) that it creates out of those exercising the free speech and free thought promised in its trampled and neglected, “Creed of the Church” and in its rarely-displayed 1968 (Reform) “Code of a Scientologist.”

Okay, yes.  L. Ron Hubbard did also work long and hard to assemble a technology that can be put to use to help people.  When done in a safe environment, away from criminal organizations, it can and often does, work wonders.  I am not without appreciation for his work – he was demonstrably not idle or lazy in that regard.   I have no doubt that at various times in his life L. Ron Hubbard worked his heart out for the very decent purposes he said he did.

And because of that early diligence – and thanks to the tremendous efforts in getting helpful techniques explained to students of the emerging technology – knowing also that those same students repaid him with technical discoveries that helped smash his name into history – I plan to continue working to place that large portion of workable technology which resulted, into the hands of people who truly want to help.

But the facts cannot be ignored that this same person willingly destroyed these good works by selfishly indulging in abuse of power for personal gain and organizational supremacy.

Sadly, many people continue to believe that a lot of the above-mentioned and ongoing crimes were and are, justified because they have a valid stable datum that “the tech works.”   And so it is often stated in so many ways, “the ends justified the means.”

I am not only “not so sure,” about that, but looking at the actual current state of the subject?  It is a failure and a disaster except as those few who continued its practice un-harrassed but still under threat, made it work.

We are faced with the prospect of unpacking its therapeutic and helpful features in an extremely hostile environment – what with all the damage Hubbard’s policies left in their wake.

So as far as I am concerned, L. Ron Hubbard as author and engineer of this anti-family, anti-life policy – and his mafioso replacement David Miscavige, as the usurper agent of a hostile takeover of Hubbard’s organization complete with a covert, de facto mafia – craftily embedded into an organization claiming “religious protection” – can just keep all of that phony “code of ethics” nonsense…

copyrighted in platinum forever.




“‘…if you ever reveal any of this information that I am about to reveal, the consequences will be severe for SCN (Scientology).’

“He then wrote, ‘a person does not blow due [to] Overts or Withholds.  He blows only due to ARC BKs (upsets)’.

“‘However, If any of this information ever became public, I would lose all control of the orgs and eventually Scientology as a whole.’  – (Signed) LRH”

 – reported by Bill Franks as written on a secret dispatch to Bill Franks and David Mayo by -L. Ron Hubbard, Commodore ~1974


*Grateful acknowledgment to L. Ron Hubbard Library for ineffective prohibition in making these fair use quotes known and published.

Towards a Scientology of Inclusion

Towards a Scientology of Inclusion




“The Catholic Church only began to fail when it began to exclude.

“Thus inclusion is a major point in all great organizations.”

– L. Ron Hubbard – HCO PL 14 DEC 1970

Point 10 of The Code of a Scientologist (1969) states:

“To work for freedom of speech in the world.”

And the Creed of the Church of Scientology (1954) states:

“…all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”

It can be a source of great frustration that the above points are not always well-known or respected in Scientology groups, whether in or out of the official church.  This can be the source of upsetting injustices, when a person often gets shouted down and/or run out of a group.  Attacks on an individual expressing an unpopular opinion, can trigger the most emotionally violent reactions on the part of everyone involved.

Many of us are still smarting from the whirlpool of injustice that is and was, the official corporate ‘Church’ of Scientology.

Any Scientology group that wants to avoid the mistakes of the past and survive into the future, needs to have its members aware of the following LRH data:

RJ 68
Disconnection Canceled
Code of a Scientologist
Creed of the Church of Scientology
(more references)

L. Ron Hubbard states:

“‘Justice’ apparently cannot be trusted in the hands of Man.
We must safeguard against unjust practices and make haste to remedy all injustices.  We must be accordingly committed or we will never make it.
– A New Hope for Justice – (p392 new ethics book)

Protect people and groups from fallacious and vexatious attacks.” – FAST JUSTICE – 1 MAR 69

Until justice applies to all, until a person is really assumed innocent until proven guilty…”
Injustice is not something in which any man with power should ever trade.  It is not just a sin.  It is suicide.
– RIOTS – 19 MAR 69

“…I isolated the false accusation, false report and failing to confront the accused with his accusers as the basic breakdown of justice.  These undermine personal security…”
So flagrant is this abuse that it destroys for one and all the value of the cause of democracy.
When justice becomes slow, when it becomes expensive and when false reports on people and groups are allowed to go unchallenged and unpunished, any ideology becomes a tyranny.
As false reports tear down the security of the individual and small group, these then have to assert themselves.  They do so in their turn by attacking.
Only if [SCIENTOLOGY]* reforms its human rights, will it have a cause worth fighting for, worth supporting.  Otherwise its public and social groups will desert it to any other cause without even much examining it.
The principles of not accepting false reports and confronting one with his accusers and accusations before punishing actions of any kind are so strong that if the West accepted them, and scrupulously practiced them, IT WOULD HAVE A CAUSE GREAT ENOUGH TO SURVIVE.
– JUSTICE – 1 MAY 69

*added (altered) from the original reference to create an effect

Can you see how important the practice of basic justice is to the long-term survival of any group?

Will you join those who are taking responsibility for this?  For their families?  For their groups?  For their nation?  For this planet?

Here is the technology (skill-set) that needs to be learned and applied:

HCO PL 19 SEP 70 – I
Data Series 16


“Correction of things which are not wrong and neglecting things which are not right puts the tombstone on any org or civilization.

“In auditing when one Reviews or “corrects” a case that is running well, one has trouble. It is made trouble.

“Similarly on the third dynamic, correcting situations which do not exist and neglecting situations which do exist can destroy a group.

“All this boils down to CORRECT INVESTIGATION. It is not a slight skill. It is THE basic skill behind any intelligent action.


“When justice goes astray (as it usually does) the things that have occurred are

“1.   Use of justice for some other purpose than public safety (such as maintaining a privileged group or indulging a fixed idea) or

“2.   Investigatory Procedure.

“All suppressive use of the forces of justice can be traced back to one or the other of these.

“Aberrations and hate very often find outlet by calling them “justice” or “law and order”. This is why it can be said that man cannot be trusted with justice.

“This or just plain stupidity brings about a neglect of intelligent investigatory procedures. Yet all third dynamic sanity depends upon correct and unaberrated investigatory procedures. Only in that way can one establish causes of things. And only by establishing causes can one cease to be the effect of unwanted situations.

“It is one thing to be able to observe. It is quite another to utilize observations so that one can get to the basis of things.” – LRH

“Attitude and Conduct of Scientology”

“…the arduous lesson along this line is that no-communication lists, revocation/suspension of certificates, court action of any kind whatsoever within the realm of Scientology and so forth, is not only not only difficult to do but does not work. That’s just the end of it. It just doesn’t work.It’s for the sea gulls. That might work in Gestetner Limited or Westinghouse, but it does not work in Scientology. Got that?”
“It’s because they are people of good intention. And by saying that these people are not fit to associate with us anymore, we have told a lie of magnitude. This is not true. It’s never true. You got it?”
“Our inability to understand the actions of other Scientologists has a very fascinating barrier. The limitation on our understanding is simply this: we say they have bad intentions, and that is a lie. Got it?”
“So the whole situation is liable to enturbulate around that postulated bad intention. That’s what enturbulates the situation. That makes a lie. “The situation then becomes unsolvable. Because we’ve entered a changing factor called a lie into it.”
“The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.”
“Well, I hate to unsettle a very stable datum, if it does unsettle it. But the only way anything ever does resolve is by letting your own kind heart reach through. That’s the only way it ever does solve.  And it never solves by being tough.”
“What do we really have of value in the organizations of Scientology? The only thing we have of value, actually, is Scientology, an understanding of life, increasing ability to communicate, a good concept and grip on reality and the ability to like guys. That’s all you got.”

L. Ron Hubbard – “Attitude and Conduct of Scientology” (4th London ACC, 3rd November 1955)

(Watchful Navigator)

  • *Disconnection Canceled
    (HCO PL 15 Nov 68 “Cancellation of Disconnection”)
  • *Communication Definition 1. The consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to receipt point with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source point (HCOB 5 APR 73)
  • *An Operating Standard Rule –

“This is rigid policy, not advice:

“No matter how stiff the ethics action is you have to apply to keep the show on the road, remember this:

“You must keep the door open only if it’s just a crack.

“Expulsion without hope of reinstatement puts people into total hopelessness.  It may even be the reason governments eventually experience revolt.  Expulsion without recourse leads to desperation and revolt.

“There must always be the hope of return to good graces and all Ethics Orders or actions must state what the person has to do to be reinstated in good standing.

“Do not practice or permit discipline or expulsion with no hope of amends.”

    HCO PL 14 DEC 1970
    HCO PL 6 DEC 1970
  • *RJ 68 [optional]

more reading:

  • *[optional] THE JUSTICE OF SCIENTOLOGY – Its Use and Purpose Being a Scientologist (p293 new ethics book)
  • *Administering Justice (p335 new ethics book)

“3.  Without order nothing can grow or expand.”

“8.  A thetan is good.  He invented a bank to keep others good.  That mechanism went wrong.  And that’s why we’re here.”

  • *A New Hope for Justice (p391 new ethics book)

Some Suggested Cancellations of Policy:
(Watchful Navigator)

  • (to be announced – a data series evaluation and survey are in progress…
    – meanwhile, relax:   LRH specifically allowed for the cancellation of unworkable policies, and that reference will also be provided and can be utilized (or not) at will, by any person or group of those who wish to follow the suggestions that will be given)

And finally, for those who do not have access to this key, vital reference, I am posting excerpts here for academic evaluation:

HCO PL 14 DEC 1970
Personnel Series 14
Org Series 19

“Where these subjects are not well handled and where one or more of these are very out of line, the organization will suffer a third dynamic aberration.

“This then is a SANITY SCALE for the third dynamic of a group.

“The group will exhibit aberrated symptoms where one or more of these points are out.

“The group will be sane to the degree that these points are in.

“Internal stresses of magnitude begin to affect every member of the group in greater or lesser degree when one or more of these items are neglected or badly handled.

“The society at large currently has the majority of these points out.”




“Under the name of Justice, aberrated man accomplishes fantastic injustices. The upstat is hit, the downstat let go. Rumours are accepted as evidence. Police forces and power are used to ENFORCE the injustices contained 1 to 9 above. Suppressive justice is used as an ineffectual but savage means of meeting situations actually caused by the earlier listed psychoses. When abuses on 1 to 9 make things go wrong, the social aberration then introduces suppressive injustices as an effort to cure. Revolt and war are magnified versions of injustices. Excess people‑ kill them off in a war. A THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS THE SUBSTITUTE OF VIOLENCE FOR REASON.”



“Letting people INTO the group at large is the key to every great movement and bettered culture on this planet. This was the new idea that made Buddhism the strongest civilizing influence the world has seen in terms of numbers and terrain. They did not exclude. Race, color, creed were not made bars to membership in this great movement.

“Politically the strongest country in the world was the United States, and it was weakened only by its efforts to exclude certain races or make them second class citizens. Its greatest internal war (1862‑ 65) was fought to settle this point, and the weakness was not resolved even then.

“The Catholic Church only began to fail when it began to exclude.

“Thus inclusion is a major point in all great organizations.

“The things which set a group or organization on a course of exclusion are (a) the destructive impulses of about 10 or 15 % of the society (lunacy) and (b) opposition by interests which consider themselves threatened by the group or organization’s potential resulting in infiltration (c) efforts to mimic the group’s technology destructively and set up rival groups.

“All these three things build up barriers that a group might thoughtlessly buy and act to remedy with no long range plans to handle.

“These stresses make a group edgy and combative. The organization then seeks to solve these three points by exclusion, whereas its growth depends wholly upon inclusion.

“No one has ever solved these points successfully in the past because of lack of technology to solve them.

“It all hinges on three points: (1) the sanity of the individual, (2) the worthwhileness of the group in terms of general area, planetary or universal survival, and (3) the superiority of the group’s organization tech and its use.

“Just at this writing, the first point is solved conclusively in Scientology. Even hostile and destructive personalities wandering into the group can be solved and, due to the basic nature of Man, made better for the benefit of themselves and others.

“The worthwhileness of the organization is determined by the assistance given to general survival by the group’s products and the actual factual delivery of those valid products.

“The superiority of a group’s Admin Tech and its application is at this current writing well covered in current developments.

“Thus inclusion is almost fully attainable. The only ridges that build up are the short term defense actions.

“For instance, Scientology currently must fight back at the death camp organizations of psychiatry whose solution is a dead world, as proven by their actions in Germany before and during World War 11. But we must keep in mind that we fully intend to reform and salvage even these opponents. We are seeking to include them in the general survival by forcing them to cease their non‑ survival practices and overcome their gruesome group past.

“There are two major stages then of including people‑ one is as paid organization personnel and one as unpaid personnel. BOTH are in essence being “hired”. The pay differs. The wider majority receive the pay of personal peace and effectiveness and a better world.

“The org which excludes its own field members will fail.

“The payment to the org of money or the money payment to the staff member is an internal economy. Pay, the real pay, is a better personal survival and a world that can live.

“Plans of INclusion are successful. They sometimes contain defense until we can include.

“Even resistance to an org can be interpreted as a future inclusion by the org. Resistance or opposition is a common way‑ point in the cycle of inclusion. In an organization where everyone wins eventually anyway the senselessness of resistance becomes apparent even to the most obtuse. Only those who oppose their own survival resist a survival producing organization.

“Even in commercial companies the best organization with the best product usually finds competitors merging with it.”


“Criminal or antisocial conduct occurs where there is no hat.

“Any type of membership or role or post in the whole organization or its field requires individual and team training. Only where you have a group member who will not or cannot bring himself to have and wear a hat will you have any trouble.”


“UTILIZATION requires a knowledge of what the valuable final products are and how to make them.

“Action which doesn’t result in a final product that adds up to valuable final products is destructive, no matter how innocent it seems.

“Man has a planet as a valuable final product. Improper use of the countries and seas, air and masses which compose it will wind up with the destruction of Man, all life on it and the usefulness of the planet. So proper utilization of anything is a very real factor.”


“Without justice there can be no real organization.

“Even a government owes its people an operating climate in which human transactions and business can occur.

“Where insane and criminal individuals operate unchecked in the community justice is uncertain and harsh.

“The society in which the insane rise to positions of power becomes a nightmare.

“Justice is a difficult subject. Man handles it badly.

“Justice cannot occur until insanity can be detected and cured.

“The whole task of justice is to defend the honest man. Therefore the target of justice is the establishment of a sane society.

“The inability to detect or cure the insane destroys civilizations.

“Justice is an effort to bring equity and peace. When one cannot detect and cure insanity then sooner or later justice actions will become unjust and be used by the insane.

“To us, Justice is the action necessary to restrain the insane until they are cured. After that it would be only an action of seeing fair play is done.”


“Morale is not made of comfort and sloth. It is made of common purpose and obstacles overcome by the group.

“When the Admin Scale and these elements are not held together by similar aims. then morale has to be held up artificially.

“The most ghastly morale I have ever seen was amongst “the idle rich”.

“And the highest morale I’ve ever seen was amongst a furiously dedicated common purposed group working under fantastic stresses with very little against almost hopeless odds.

“I used to observe that morale in a combat unit would never materialize before they had been through hell together.

“All drama aside, morale is made up of high purpose and mutual confidence. This comes from the Admin Scale items and these elements of organization being well aligned, one with the next, and honest sane endeavor to achieve a final goal for all.” – LRH



David Miscavige and Genocide of Scientologists

Those who have seen the classic movie, Braveheart, may remember the problem facing the ruthless, authoritarian king, Longshanks

“We’ll breed them out!” (Scottish rebels)

The Scottish were rebels who cherished their freedom and disliked intensely the idea of submitting to an authoritarian king.  Longshanks proposed a solution, “We’ll breed them out.”

Many Scientologists are fundamentally rebels, failing to subscribe to authoritarian medicine and generally libertarian in outlook.  In fact, it could be argued that $cientology has served to collect rebels from society who would not otherwise adhere to any authoritarian religion, into one place where they could be monitored, watched and controlled.

The “group,” as a competent lawyer will one day define it before a tribunal, is defined here as:

“Seekers of higher spiritual awareness who have read one or more books by L. Ron Hubbard which interested them in spiritual counseling and/or other life improvement services.”


David Miscavige has been “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.”

David Miscavige has been “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

David Miscavige has been “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.”

David Miscavige has been “forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

Whether he has been doing this at the behest of outside forces, or in his own mad grab for power, he has been actively engaged in a program of…



David Miscavige must go.

David Miscavige is a serial violator of International Law:

International law

After the Holocaust, Lemkin successfully campaigned for the universal acceptance of international laws defining and forbidding genocide. In 1946, the first session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that “affirmed” that genocide was a crime under international law, but did not provide a legal definition of the crime. In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which legally defined the crime of genocide for the first time.[12]

The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948 and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally-recognized definition of genocide which was incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Convention (in article 2) defines genocide:

…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

David Miscavige must go.

The “Church” of Scientology must reform and first and foremost, must cease to break up families and cease and desist in suppressing the future of our people which requires appropriate, pro-survival procreation (the family being the building block of civilization).

Scott Gordon
Watchful Navigator


How to Investigate Your Church Without Ever Hitting a Single “Enemy” Site

Notice I did not say “without hitting a single entheta” site…  But relax – there are NO websites here which contain “enemy lines” or “OT data”.  You are “allowed” to see any and all of the following, I assure you.

Every single one of the sites given here are “official” or are media interviews stating “official positions”.

Let’s start with Scientology’s official website:


“There is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone, let alone family and friends who simply have different beliefs. To the contrary, the moral code of Scientology mandates that Scientologists respect the religious beliefs of others.”


You can watch Tommy Davis, official church spokesman, confirm the church position given on the above website:

“There’s no such thing as disconnection as you’re characterizing it…We consider the family to be the building block of any society…There isn’t any such policy…that’s dictating who people should or should not be in communication with…”

Now, brace yourself, this next one is not “rated G”, but since David Miscavige coached Tommy Davis what to say, and they both knew that these statements were for public consumption, it’s time for a judgement call – your judgement.  How do you think his language reflects on our religion?  Does this handling align in any way with LRH’s PR Series?  Is it in ARC with the environment?  If not, is it really justified?

The Church of Scientology’s response:

The same applies to the following.  What is the purpose LRH had for Freedom Magazine?  Does this issue align with this LRH purpose?  Is this issue appropriate to publics of Freedom? (government, opinion leaders)  Have you listened to RJ 67 lately?  If so, make your own comparisons.  This is not a spoof site – I promise!


Finally, apply the Data Series (summed up in the Investigations chapter of your Scientology Handbook).  Pull the string where you see outpoints.  Apply “Personal Integrity“.  And remember, you have many, many friends who have already done so.  We all want the same thing.  LRH’s tech available by LRH policy in churches and missions faithful to his stated purpose, as it appears here in the founding Creed:


The Creed of the Church of Scientology was written by L. Ron Hubbard shortly after the Church was formed in Los Angeles on February 18, 1954.

After Mr. Hubbard issued this creed from his office in Phoenix, Arizona, the Church of Scientology adopted it as its creed because it succinctly states what Scientologists believe.

We of the Church believe

That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights.

That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance.

That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives.

That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity.

That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense.

That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments.

That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.

That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind.

That the souls of men have the rights of men.

That the study of the Mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in nonreligious fields.

And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.

And we of the Church believe

That Man is basically good.

That he is seeking to Survive.

That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the Universe.

And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid Man

To destroy his own kind.

To destroy the sanity of another.

To destroy or enslave another’s soul.

To destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.

And we of the Church believe

That the spirit can be saved.

And that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.