ex-OSA staffmember works to reform the subject of Scientology

Ever hear of the story of “The Frog & the Scorpion”? There are three scorpions in this version.

No one’s going to believe this, but I will say it anyway. It’s because I Helped.

Almost five years after I, Scott Gordon, resumed sending financial support (usually around $45 per month on a less than $12K annual income) to Mike & Virginia who were in fear of losing their Idaho estate and not able to heat their house, Mike & Virginia McClaughry persist in using their widely-read educational, quasi-academic, research website to churn out black propaganda to punish Scott – all for what they laughably insist was an act of “extortion.”

The “extortion”? Being that Scott had left his Pueblo, Colorado house in their care, in order to reside in Argentina with his soon-to-be wife, and that a written notice to vacate at the end of March, 2021 was in Virginia’s hands, and further, that the willingness to continue paying all of their bills beyond that date given ten months in advance, had come to an end. Scott was offering to extend their stay in exchange for a simple modification to the status quo (which was that Mike & Virginia were in continuous default for over a year on a clear agreement to pay a reduced portion of their bills, and had enforced on Scott their monthly internet bill by actual, verbally threatened extortion – that Scott would be publicly shamed again with more of the same kind of internet postings made and taken down in April 2020, should he stop paying their bill, which Virginia had cleverly insisted should be in his name despite his already having his own service).

A private e-mail (immorally made public by Loren Spethman without my permission) was sent to Mike & Virginia in March of 2021, weeks before their arrangement to stay was to come to conclusion. It stated that Mike & Virginia could stay “longer, as needed” (it was understood from previous conversations that this did not mean another winter season) to find another place to go to, so long as they took care of paying the electricity they were using (and that I wasn’t), the trash service they were using (that I had not contracted for) and the internet service they were using (and which they had agreed from the very beginning to pay).

If you like, you can re-read that last paragraph carefully to really get what Virginia claims, in what she wrote, was “extortion” on my part.

Somewhere in at least one of their – around 29 – posts of their smear campaign against me, is mentioned that I, Scott Gordon, was in default on some agreement for this new arrangement hastily coming together, made in the garage of their Idaho house after the truck was either mostly or fully loaded. This “agreement” was supposed to cover what Virginia expected was for Scott Gordon to “take over what daddy was doing” (he had been paying all of their bills).

This wasn’t anything ever agreed to by me. Ever. I remember clearly that which I did agree to, and it was that I would not give up on the fight to get them to safety to continue their work just because of such harassment, and that was understood to include tampering with my family, friendships and especially, my job. The irony is that Virginia completely expected me to lose my job, she knew I lived in poverty, so it seemed to me pretty obvious that whatever we were going into was not going to be a permanent arrangement. I did not have the money to support them and I never agreed to do that. As far as I knew, I was offering the use of my house and that was quite enough and already more than I could afford.

What I had offered, before driving up in a panic to help them move out, giving up my reliable Honda Civic vehicle in deference to hauling their own second vehicle (which they incidentally had promised would be titled in my name upon arrival – this was withdrawn unilaterally days after arriving) with all of their material possessions – some designated for my own use and ownership, which was more often than not completely forgotten and negated after we arrived at my place – in as large a truck as there was to rent.

And quite in contrast to what Virginia was later to claim, I let her know over and over again by phone, that my house was small, it was under remodeling and full of remodeling dust that I was not going to have time to take care of before the rush up to Idaho the next day or so. I told her there wasn’t much room, the house was old and ugly and there was much to be done to finish it up. I told her it was a bit like urban camping and probably a lot more tolerable than living in a ditch. I made all this abundantly clear. In conversations – me especially – we often listen and tune into what we want to hear. If she continues to claim I agreed to certain stipulations I never agreed to, keep that in mind, because it goes for her as well as it goes for me.

So what Mike & Virginia claim was Virginia getting my “agreement” was in reality something of a one-sided and general lecture in a domineering tone with me, Scott Gordon, under actual duress. This was me eating sporadically and having slept 5-6 hours a night and the entire rest of the time (15-18 hours for several days straight) diligently packing and loading their possessions – heavy material often carried alone – and rescued items in the truck I rented with the last of my life savings marked for “emergency use-only.”

I do not even recall the lecture Virginia gave me except vaguely. I don’t know how long it lasted. My recollection was that it lasted a minute or so with Virginia baiting me, “Are you sure you are up for doing this? You know you can’t back out once we get going!” and me just nodding in assent and saying “Yes” when she brought the grilling to a conclusion. If indeed Mike witnessed this he would have been standing in proximity and it would have been two (supposedly “friends” as I hoped at the time) against one. As it always was throughout the time I was with them.

This is where Virginia gets my supposed retort later, after I finally got her to agree to a meeting for the three of us which she asserts was something like, “Virginia at that point I would have told you ‘anything’ to get us all going and get us out of there.” Imagine working ‘all out’ in good faith, and Virginia wants to now stop, with the truck rented and loaded, my personal vehicle sold for scrap, and impose her terms and conditions on the entire arrangement and have her husband Mike there watching it and calling that an “agreement.”

There was no backing out at that point anyway, and she knew it. The time for any special arrangements and checklist of demands would have been before I even drove up there. I realize that she was under duress, too – they were losing their estate and much of everything they had worked for – but I was put into the same state of duress as I gladly gave my help – time and energy – to a huge effort.

All this was enough, in my state of overwork and lack of rest and overload of caffeine, to lead to a stupid mistake the first night (we left after a full day packing, away from a setting sun), driving off the road the wrong direction to enter into a Montana motel parking lot. I got the truck stuck in the mud which was quite embarrassing for me and stressful for all of us – and I had to pay for it, and paid for damages. (Virginia screamed at me over that one – not right away, but the next chance she got before tearing into my personal life and screaming about how bad my grrlfriend must be, though she had almost no knowledge of her or how we managed our lives together, nor was it her business in the slightest).

Well this “agreement” was then used to justify all manner of things. Whenever Scott Gordon wanted to talk about how he was actually, factually, running out of money, he was “complaining” and “acting like everyone else who betrayed us did.” It worked, it brought me back “in line” with Virginia. But as things developed, this manipulation grew and turned to extortion. And so I, Scott Gordon, came to outgrow my own naive innocence and had to begin asserting boundaries of my own.

It wasn’t until I read Mike’s first-time statement and post earlier this year that it even occurred to me what I was dealing with (beyond Virginia’s manipulation and bullying, which was bad enough). Mike’s cold, calculating mistrust of me behind the scenes – unfairly painting me in a suspicious light and sometimes the worst possible light – was already there from the very beginning. Yet despite all that we managed to build enough trust to have friendly dealings – even most of that time quite friendly with Virginia. Even when I finally left for Argentina under duress of government lock-downs and brutal travel restrictions, although I was looking forward to their departure, remained loyal and considered them “friends.”

Then my friend and auditor (co-therapist, supposedly confidante in such matters) Loren Spethman got in between us and did his work. He started at some point furnishing Virginia with tidbits and pieces of his jabs against me coming from who-knows-where, and supposedly private e-mail copies to her of me at various times expressing my own frustration with Virginia and with the arrangement of putting them up in my very small, unfinished house, and with their going back on their word and leaving me stranded financially after I had spent all I had to get them to my place with the rented truck and almost a thousand dollars in fuel.

Actually the first hint of this additional collusion was picked up all the way back in June 2019, just weeks after moving them in and having Loren come and work on the house (I paid him for this out of what little money I could spare). Virginia blurted out during her tirade that she and Loren could overhear me talking over the Internet with my grrlfriend and that she and Loren agreed it sounded sappy and made them cringe (in so many words). They had no business listening in to my private conversations (Virginia did this quite often and would even engage me about what she “overheard” which is another rude annoyance) in the first place, and so even that early on Loren was already inserting a knife in my back despite his supposed “friendship” (20-some years and described elsewhere on this site) with me.

So in a nutshell, Mike & Virginia McClaughry feel justified – even after thousands of dollars and two years of my life in support of their work and security during that time – in maintaining a hate website (that makes what the Church of $cientology puts out pale by comparison) on me with numerous articles alleging numerous petty faults on up to serious crimes.

Mike McClaughry has openly and in writing accused me of “murder” – all at the behest of Loren Spethman, who personally witnessed me as far back as 2016, shortly after learning my neighborhood had been flagged for excessive lead levels in the soil, going over to community meetings and participating – even after a long day’s work. I shared the status of the EPA lead containment plan and realistic dangers to those in that area with Virginia and with Loren, both. In fact, I shared with Virginia the full written assessments from the EPA and from Pueblo County which laid out the risks in detail. (She tells the reader in one of her articles that she did not go over these, nor, apparently to show them to Mike, but this does not stop her in the least from continuing serious accusations against me.)

Loren Spethman claims to have been a star science student in high school (he never finished his college work). He still does not seem to understand that lead in parts-per-billion does not accumulate in the body from air blowing across the same surface day after day (heating vent systems or basement floors), but only when soil is consistently disturbed (putting new soil as dust into circulation) and skin and hands are not frequently washed after such contact – such as, especially, in gardening. So in his ignorance, he remains comfortable asserting that I knowingly exposed him (crawling in the basement for a few days time) or Mike (digging in the back yard fully clothed on his own origination for a short period of time over several weeks in 2019 and 2020) to “lethal” levels of lead.


Never mind that I, Scott Gordon, dug my entire garden out while Mike & Virginia were there, and did half of the digging on the final ditch for the plumbing (Mike’s prior work, his share of this work on the trench, and even later work on a “greenhouse” – is all very much appreciated and should be hereby acknowledged – it adequately covers their stay and even some of the bills). Mike dug in the morning shade fully clothed with long pants. I dug in the afternoon sun in shorts. But no one was ever exposed to any more lead than anyone else in the neighborhood there who had lived with it for years – some of them their entire life.

“Lethal” = murder. Murder is the assertion. You don’t believe he or they would go that far as to openly, without any further consideration as to circumstances, accuse me of murder? It’s happened now many times. On Facebook. On their website. In writing.

And since I have provided numerous explanations of the questions about ‘lead’ that Loren has raised in public (including a “noisy investigation” with the EPA about my house eligibility for a clean-up that Virginia had declined and I continued to decline after they left which is entirely my business and for my own reasons besides Virginia declining), in some misguided effort to curry favor with Virginia (score public relations points) and attempts to shame me into submission (duress, extortion), I call FRAUD on all three of them.

Mike McClaughry knows very well what happened because he was there and he interacted with me personally and up close about the plumbing problems their arrival caused (overload of a system that had been working fine at low capacity). But Mike chose to portray me in the worst light possible. This is FRAUD. It is lying. It is immoral.

Virginia McClaughry knows full well what she promised me, how she manipulated me, and what really transpired in my heroic efforts to get them to safety and keep them functioning and their work protected. She has chosen to publicly shame me over and over again and has engaged in FRAUD in order to do it.

Loren Spethman is a sniveling FRAUD who pretended everything was fine between us for a long time after it obviously turns out wasn’t. He seems to have a weakness for bully-women, and no capacity for detecting and handling them, other than to do what they wish, and work for their approval as a means of relieving his own self-loathing. He stabbed me deep in the back and used private, supposedly “protected” (by Auditor’s Code or therapist protocol) communications to do it. He turned Mike & Virginia against me and then allowed Virginia to work on destroying my reputation and person, along with his own work on that same thing. His latest work on this has been to “interview” Mike and solicit and produce a full web article in doing so, to add Mike as yet another betraying friend to the weight and pressure of their campaign intended to do me in.

All in order to satisfy some vaguely brewing grudges that no one had the decency and courage to ever hint me about.

When I interrupted my personal life and rushed to help Mike & Virginia from drowning in a deep-state engineered catastrophe, I thought I was dealing with heroes and saving a valuable work.

Though I have learned much from all this, I have been forced to reconsider my support for them, my estimation of the actual value of their work (I would treat Virginia’s biases separately, but I do not find it worth doing at this point) and reconsider my initial estimation of their true characters.

I refused to back down when faced with the threats and repercussions to my own work, in order to help Mike & Virginia continue theirs. I sacrificed thousands of dollars and two years of my life to do this.

And the sacrifice continues because Mike & Virginia insist they are in the right to “expose” (punish) me for going back to my own life and getting back to my own work and purposes. They just can’t be bothered to correct the record or make things straight with me.

Mike & Virginia McClaughry act just as if they thought they had recruited me into a “billion-year” contract obliging me to go down the chute morally with their special “space force.” I said NO.


As for Loren, I can only feel pity for a person who would destroy himself in the eyes of the world just to get in a few cheap shots at the man and friend he apparently secretly envied (numerous others have since clued me in to Loren’s backhanded jabs at me in public venues, and then there are others who chose to view me as their enemy, and found in Loren a willing accomplice). Only pity and disgust, and deep regret for attempting to pull this wounded water buffalo out of the mud he long ago got himself stuck in.

I know you, the reader of this, probably aren’t used to that much angst in one article, but consider that I have weathered this alone for many years, and I have a hard time finding any comparable campaign of such nastiness (based in personal shaming) carried over such an otherwise academic and valued learning site as Mike & Virginia’s wordpress site – just for deciding my own life and purposes were not worth sacrificing to their petty dramas and tiring of them going back on their word. But there it is. They did it. They refuse to correct or withdraw any but the most embarrassing (for them) articles they have let fly into the public record without any excuse but what they have come since to invent.









I need Mike & Virginia to get about their own business and LEAVE ME ALONE. I support and appreciate much of the work they have done as a vital contribution to the public record. But I, SCOTT GORDON, DO NOT NEED TO BE FEATURED AS PART OF THAT PUBLIC RECORD.


-Scott Gordon

Watchful Navigator

(late December 2020 – an “artist’s rendition” of Virginia McClaughry, screaming and snarling obscenities up the stairs after Scott Gordon, for making an idle speculation about Aleister Crowley – the “drug fiend” and confirmed heroin addict – being more than just a “spook,” but something of a true believer and practitioner of his own, dark, satanic practices – whereupon she is then told that her research might suffer from a little… “CONFIRMATION BIAS “)

Virginia McClaughry has lately abandoned the research that once made her credible in the eyes of her readership, and sacrificed that goodwill in a bid to destroy the Watchful Navigator – Scott Gordon. Although she has thrown out a few recent articles naming the “Church of $cientology,” in-between her hit-pieces on me, even one of these had to include more “doxxing” (documenting my identity and photo for the world) and this old, doctored arrest record on me (from all the way back at the age of 18) from an “ex”-$cientologist Knights Templar Freemason (and recruiter) Jeffrey Augustine (scroll back in my posts for more on this character) who has used his new status of “licensed private investigator” to excuse his new role of bankruptcy-shaming ex-Scientologists (and a singular arrest record like mine) of such a nature, or on such shunned individuals as I have become, that would not look good for the church to be seen engaged in.

I call Virginia’s posts against me, using her research skills which have won her much approval in the Freedom-Truth-Justice movements, “color-of-logic.” Like the term, “color-of-law” – this also means something is going on other than what it appears.

I had long-ago asked Loren Spethman to stop this attack-smear campaign, since Loren went public with our petty feud (driven on my end only by my anger at his moving them out of my house behind my back, and then continuing to withhold it long after they were safely on their way – given that they now seek to “out” me as an “agent” of some kind) back at the end of October 2021.

But Virginia had joined and resumed her shame posting of me in January 2022, while Loren kept forwarding a lot of hers and more of his, on his personal Facebook page.

My first and (supposedly) “only” response article was published here, and was even taken down, off-line for almost a year, in a goodwill effort on my part to leave this petty squabble behind (which involved no direct harm and very little “indirect harm,” however imaginary from both sides). It caused Virginia to take down their entire collection, perhaps hoping you, her readers, would vent your anger my way for having the audacity (as implied in later articles and based purely on Virginia’s speculation) to, as she strongly implied, “recruit – using their work.”

Well I can assure you no recruiting has been done or attempted – in fact, I failed to mention their website in referring to the “Lifelong Intelligence” career of L. Ron Hubbard, and Cuitlahuac (Hubbard Scientologist and Facebook PR activist who set up several groups using my “Free Scientology” project name, seriously confusing some who had been interested in my project to take back the copyrights and best practices for spiritual counseling, from the corporate church) caught that detail and practically wouldn’t leave me alone for it (that youtube video interview of me, along with Cuitla’s comments, was removed by youtube, and they gave the interviewer a strike against her account for the content of our interview, which highlighted the intelligence background of L. Ron Hubbard).

When Loren pointed out that I had stated in my own post, itself, that I would take my post on Virginia down if theirs was taken down (although Loren made no such move to remove his posts from his personal page), I did so within the week, in order to keep my word. (Loren had been permitted one final post in a Facebook group that he escaped being banned in, which simply fell flat.)

So Mike & Virginia’s entire site went down after my responses to Loren’s and Virginia’s allegations in several Facebook comments and in my articles on this Watchful Navigator site (available by scrolling back to the last two). I am not gloating. I appreciated what I thought was a motion on their part to de-escalate and end the feud. I am simply pointing out that I met attacks and allegations with openness and transparency in communication, and the original allegations were for the time being, abandoned (at the expense of their general work collection, now available “by request only” at their site – which is better than nothing).

The problem is, Virginia and Loren decided unilaterally to not only resuscitate the smouldering embers of the old conflict, but to invent an entirely new narrative about how I had attempted a murder. (I should have seen this coming when…) Virginia had first advanced this accusation from an anonymized Facebook account named “Barbara Lee.”* Virginia was not known to me just yet as Barbara Lee and ambushed me with a post claiming that I had intentionally exposed her husband to toxic lead when he volunteered to help digging to find the location of the old sewer system that started backing up not long after they arrived (three people were too much for the old plumbing system which had never before given me a problem – whereupon immediately Virginia went from “friend” to “outraged tenant” and began treating me like a “slumlord“).

*”Barbara Lee” is an account Virginia created using the first name of her birth mother and the first name of her father. Mark Plummer interacted with it and Virginia, desperate for some ally – any ally – against me, flipped in her former prohibitions on alliances with her enemies (she hinted at this in 2022 by letting a comment Jeffrey Augustine made at her site publish, because it slammed me as a horrible person and feigned sympathy for Virginia – something Virginia thought she was “teaching” me not to do back in the day she thought she could easily bully me around as my “mentor”)

This fooled me right up until the day Virginia as “Barbara Lee” left the Scientology Deprogramming group after she and Loren wrecked it for a couple of weeks with attacks on the group for ejecting their new ally, Mark Plummer, who in turn had been wrecking the group by pulling years-old posts up and demanding that we “correct the record” on very correct exposure of his active role in the original and unprecedented (except for the “PizzaGate” groups that disappeared in 2016) take-down of the same Facebook group in 2019 after Arnie’s son came on to the group with a photo and report of interaction with an investigating officer at the scene, demonstrating a secondary access to Ginger Sugerman’s bathroom, wherein Arnie had been found against the locked, main (downstairs – not his own bedroom, where most suicides occur) bathroom door with a bullet to his head – (labeled “suicide”).

By the way, Virginia knows all of this, having been briefed every step of the way (Virginia absolutely craves drama and demanded I kept her updated when I engaged with Karen, Mark P. or any of their ilk) and advised me at the time, in how to handle Mark Plummer’s bullying and, more importantly, how to get started restoring Arnie’s website from an archived copy. Now Virginia complains to the world that Mark Plummer (click for his merciless rape-shaming attacks on Christy W.) has been “unfairly treated” by me (that’s what he alleges after getting me banned from posting on Facebook several times after he invaded our groups as a provocateur agent to do just that).

I operate pretty much in the open, with maximum transparency and honesty. Mike and Virginia McClaughry operate in secrecy and attempted to impose that harshly upon me. There is such a thing as privacy, but battles for justice require a bold approach. I used that same bold approach in open defense of Mike & Virginia and their work for many years and at great personal sacrifice – all the way until their voluntarily bitter, “emergency” departure from my place in mid-March 2021.

Did I betray that secrecy? Virginia claims I did, and uses the same thing she accused me of with Mark Plummer and with Loren Spethman and her (“driving a wedge”) when she writes in one of her recent articles:

  • One retaliation example was he broke his word to us and told Allen Stanfield on the phone where we were. He also lied to him about why we lost our house.

I did neither. Shortly after I moved Mike and Virginia into my Pueblo house in April 2019, Allen called me, wanting to know (in a skeptical tone) how and why Mike & Virginia had lost their house. This was no easy explanation, so I did the best I could, to point out that fraud had been committed in processing the deeds from one agency to the next, and that they were blocked in court from presenting their case.

Now understand, Virginia viewed me (and apparently still does) as a naive, rookie, “loose cannon” who can “do nothing right” – and so when in some cases I relay information incorrectly** – she would hammer me to the wall mercilessly for it, with no compunction about my fundamental desire to help protect their work and not put them at risk.

**such as assuming her father “Lee” worked for OSA and the GO, based on Virginia telling me that he had often been approached by them, to two seasoned Scientologists whom I assumed would know my statement to mean that he was a “dedicated Scientologist” – that I should specify whether he was full-time or simply an occasional volunteer did not seem important in the context of what I was asking them – for emergency help for the McClaughrys – in a private e-mail copied to Loren Spethman, which without my permission, Virginia made fully public in one of her posts

Yes, Allen asked me about where I took Mike & Virginia (and I told Virginia about the call, the question and its answer that same day!). I told Allen that I had just come back from driving Mike & Virginia and a truckload of their things to an “undisclosed location.” (That call dropped, by the way, as Allen was driving, and Allen did not call me back.) If Allen correctly guessed where I had taken them, it was not because of anything I told him. (In fact, I would not at all be surprised if Virginia overheard that call, since she was almost always listening in*** – and even claimed she could hear what the person on the other end was saying into the cellphone earpiece through the floor to the upstairs room I lived in.)

***Virginia openly laughed at me on the night of 10 June 2019 during her scream session, trying to get me to fight her, saying that Loren and her had listened a week earlier, to my phone calls with my (then) grrlfriend, and telling me I was “such a fake” – “syrupy sweet and disgusting to both of them” (as I can imagine expressions of such affection are to the defeated and craven) – “Yuck!” she taunted, watching my face for signs of a reaction, as she played the $cientology “bullbait” coach trying desperately to badger me into physical confrontation (which would have almost certainly landed me in jail – which was her open objective) and would have given her, she hoped, the additional leverage she needed to do the kinds of things a domestic abuser does who scours the Internet for ones personal assets and any other information she might be able to make use of…

I find it hard to believe that Allen would have told her any of what Virginia now alleges, and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. I did, however, years later finally let Allen know that “by now you probably figured out that I brought Mike & Virginia to my place,” as a resumption of communication on the very last thing we had talked about over three years earlier, and after – after – Virginia had publicly doxxed me with my Pueblo home address – (if I remember correctly, I think it was in the very title of her post!) – admitting to having lived there two years (which gave them an additional two years to do the work that Mike & Virginia are known for).

All else is practically moot. Every one of the allegations to the layout of the mechanical system (heating ductwork) that Virginia falsely reports, were already answered by me to Loren (in public view on Facebook groups and his own page, while she coached his responses), who knew from working on my house, exactly what the layout was. What he did not witness until the last time he came (so he should have known better) was that all ducts had been attached before the McClaughrys arrived and that Virginia was with me when I opened and checked out the functionality of the kitchen vent (that I allegedly unhooked to “keep them cold” – and keep them running extra electric heaters in there, which I paid the electric bill for!).

And never, ever, has the “return air” (intake air for the heating system) ever been taken from the basement. Again, Virginia may not remember but I remember her asking and us finding it, partially covered by carpet, but still sucking air from the room floor, pulling air down the wall behind her couch.

Virginia’s recent posts have revealed more about her actual motives than anything – however personal, private and embarrassing (as they were never meant for your eyes) – about me. We’ve learned that:

  • Virginia naively accepts that Mark Plummer was not working closely with and for Karen de la Carriere (because “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”)
  • Virginia is willing to make speculative, but serious, harmful allegations about me and my motives in letting them stay at my place – long after she had shown me that she had no intention of keeping her word with me and was willing to trash my fiancee, another good friend, and me
  • Loren Spethman is a co-conspirator in feeding her misinformation and formulating with her, these serious allegations which he knows to have no basis in reality
  • what Virginia calls “fast and loose with the facts” about me, exactly describes what Virginia is doing, hence the title of this post

What Loren Spethman and Virginia McClaughry are doing, factually, is engaging in “Fair-Gaming.” They feel entirely justified in cobbling together loose facts to fit a desperately-contrived theory.

****(which includes any fantasy that I would ever work for another in betrayal of the ideals I hold dear – which very definitely precludes any government or religion or secret society – including even Mike’s & Virginia’s itself! – which I openly and formally resigned from, the night of June 10, 2019).

That is known as “CONFIRMATION BIAS.”

I think I have said all I need to say, here.

Bigots* and cowards** notwithstanding, David Miscavige is the reason L. Ron Hubbard’s dualistic Scientology/$cientology did not simply reform after Hubbard’s passing in January, 1986 (no doubt assisted by attorney-guided and doctor-guided euthanasia measures ordered by David Miscavige, who was already effectively in control, and had enlisted the support of Ray Mithoff who was sent to give him “last rites” and get administered the lethal dose of Vistaril by injection).

[*Bigots use David Miscavige’s abuses and abusive policies to attack all of Scientology, calling for its eradication; **Cowards pretend to be exposing and reforming the church while managing not to get into his numerous and egregious crimes, consciously or unconsciously fearful of attracting his attention. A lot of them – including Mike Rinder of the Leah Remini Show – including Virginia McClaughry, researcher-turned-attack-dog – hope you’re not noticing that…]

Don’t get me wrong. L. Ron Hubbard, who wrote “The Two Uses of Scientology” (1 – to help; 2 – to further ones power) did so knowing these were the two, simultaneous uses Scientology/$cientology that had always been employed by him from the very beginning. Hubbard “hisself” (a play on his obvious narcissism) was deeply conflicted, and poured as much energy into formalizing truly helpful techniques as he did building and controlling a formidable empire with its own, trained, intelligence network of zealots who often exercised little moral restraint when urgent orders to act came their way.

[Breckenridge quote – From the 198- Court Case Armstrong v. Ch of Scientology]

And today (30 April 2023), on David Miscavige’s 63rd birthday, we honor the children that he fathered at great cost to the life of a girl that he enslaved from the age of 12 to be the bearer of his children:


  • Matt Woods – born 25 December 1987
  • David Woods – born 12 November 1988
  • Jonathan Woods – born 01 June 1990
  • Pearl Woods – born 08 July 1992 (and taken away the next day – ever to be seen again)
  • Mark Woods – born 19 September 1995
  • Luke Woods – 03 March 1997

Please see the website for much more of the story at the link given above. Please check out all of the tabs.

From the old post

This may eventually become a three-part post and updated right here, as needed. I am not going to clog my site here with multiple posts. I have made it known that the attacks need to cease, and when they are taken down in full, this post will be taken off-line.

Scott Gordon – April 2, 2022

*update – the attacks resumed in full in 2023, starting again on April 29 (my birthday) and this culminated in Loren Spethman taking over posting and accusing Scott Gordon of murder:

Part III – (because Loren Spethman just won’t quit after more than two years have passed…)

This is a huge step in the direction of ending the war, and it remains for Loren to do his part, by withdrawing his Facebook personal page attacks on me and posts in groups. None of us have anything to gain by keeping a personal feud in public view.

Loren Spethman has posted my personal e-mails and taken personal information out of context in some desperate effort to make me look bad in front of our mutual friends (some of whom were successfully turned against me). Loren accuses me of various things, including inventing allegations of criminal conduct, where he posts lengthy pages of laws he thinks I may have been in violation of, regardless of the actual situation and what my real actions taken were, all of them well within my lawful rights, most of them quite ethical and fair.

Scott Gordon – April 2, 2022

06 March 2023

Loren Spethman Revives Black PR Campaign Smearing Scott Gordon
(for Scientologists – contains terminology unique to Hubbard Scientology – “PTSness” means being under the influence of another (usually a bully-dominator) and not ones own self-determinism – it’s a great way to throw away years of spiritual progress, which only comes back when one wakes up and ceases the connection with such a person)

(Part 1 of 2)

My last public statement on the matter of a co-audit twin, Loren Spethman, going PTS, failing to handle or disconnect, becoming insanely critical and going out-ethics as a means of being right about a betrayal of friendship and trust.

Here is the truth:

1. As of the beginning of March, 2020, our co-audit was in great shape. Rudiments were in, auditing actions had been taken to a rest point and cases were F/N VGIs with no missed withhold phenomena.

2. As everyone knows, the Covid-19 psy-op began on March 13, 2020 after I made it up to my Pueblo, Colorado house having spent a couple of weeks co-auditing and working at Loren’s place.

PTSness – Stage One – Government Genocide Starts

3. Loren and his family went PTS to government propaganda channeled through CNN, which was a constant at his house. He rejected the possibility of further co-auditing on the basis that I could bring the “CV-19” disease from outside. Meanwhile at my house, Mike & Virginia (who as master investigators had every opportunity to research the same data that I did) were also going PTS to government propaganda – every point of which has since been proven emphatically false.

4. Virginia McClaughry on April 15, 2020 launched a public attack on me (shame-posting me on my website) for doing no more than announcing I was taking on a room-mate in the upstairs section of my house that I occupied (they occupied the downstairs). I was trying to rescue a female friend who was trapped in Los Angeles during a very uncertain development of police state conditions there. Virginia began and continued leveraging emergency, extra-legal (not actual law) measures surrounding covid recommendations and threatened to involve the authorities and expose me to serving jail time (Loren was to further this strategy later when he went to the EPA about contaminated soil in my basement). Virginia finally succeeded through bullying and screaming at my friend Christine, in running her off, despite only having to deal with her briefly, in passing, about once or twice per day using the shower and bathroom located downstairs. Loren was aware that this is how our mutual friend Christine was treated. Virginia loudly accused my friend of being an “agent sent to disrupt their lives” with no evidence and no events other than being a little loud in the shower in the afternoons (Virginia refused to abide by a normal sleep schedule and insisted on darkening the downstairs and sleeping all day).

5. Christine spent the next 10 1/2 months homeless and driving from place-to-place answering ads for shelter during the covid panic and de facto lock-down, forced to ward off abusive males who thought they could take advantage of her. Meanwhile, Scott Gordon honored his word and written agreement that the McClaughrys could get through at least one more winter before they would be subjected to relocation to alleviate the failure of Virginia to negotiate their arrangements in good faith and to stop the threatening and bullying confrontations whenever the question of living arrangements and responsibility for general (billing) expenses was raised. Scott paid all of their bills including Internet, the last full year they were there. Virginia without making any arrangements, had simply ceased paying. She refused to share the house with one more person in need, with a space upstairs out of her way, and she refused to contribute to the extra heating, air conditioning and water and sewer use they brought about.

PTSness – Stage Two – Knowing and Willing PTS to a Suppressive Person – (the very same suppressive on the case he was supposed to be responsible for auditing).

Withhold of Vital Information

6. Loren went PTS to Virginia when she began calling him (as early as July 2019 and as late as February 2021 – Loren will not say). Loren chose to keep this contact secret. When a known neighbor (David) began banging on the door during one of these calls, Loren became aware that Mike & Virginia had a problem (Virginia told him a neighbor thought she heard David claiming he was going to move in after they left – which was either a misunderstanding or a lie and in any case, never happened). Loren chose to keep me in the dark and did not inform me of this problem. Virginia would later issue an article about the loud banging on the door (happened on two separate occasions, though the police were never called) in an effort to paint me as some kind of “agent” who had recruited David to harass them and make them leave. I knew nothing of this (approximately February 2021).

7. Loren was blind-copied on my reply to Virginia after Mike & Virginia responded to my reminder they were supposed to be moving out (and extending their stay if they would just pay electric, internet and trash service). In this reply, Mike & Virginia threatened me that I would “regret it” if I persisted in enforcing the move-out agreement issued almost a year earlier and re-iterated during a mid-2020 meeting (the only meeting Virginia ever called, during which I reminded her that just because I was nice and cooperative did not mean I had changed my mind about the need for them to leave).

8. Because I held my position, reiterating that I wanted them out of my life, and offered the McClaughrys an extension only if they would pick up a reasonable share of the utilities they were using, Virginia became enraged and called Loren behind my back and arranged for him to come up and help them move out. This was done mid-March and two weeks before the agreed date. It was done all night, with Virginia yelling orders to Loren the whole time (per a later report of a neighbor).

More Withhold of Vital Information

9. Loren never told me he was at my house. The McClaughrys had left their key with a neighbor, and wrote me a short note saying that. That was all I knew. I had no idea what was the condition of the house or what was done or not done about things that could go wrong in winter (the kitchen faucet was broken due to freeze damage, for example). Loren was there and they were safely on their way, but he still did not call me.

More Withhold of Vital Information and First Missed Withholds

10. When I made arrangements (April-May 2021) with a mutual friend (Robert) and another (Christine) to drive up and check on the house (Robert was going up on the way to Washington state, but got diverted from a storm and did not arrive back for months), Loren had direct contact with Robert. Loren knew we were in the dark about the condition of the house. Loren chose not to say anything about his having been at the house. At first Loren agreed to go up with him, to “help.” Loren backed out, however, and handed Robert the key he had to my house.

Bypassing Creates Danger Condition

11. May 2021 – I was finally informed by another, that Loren Spethman had been at my house in mid-March, moving things out with the McClaughrys, who had finally decided to leave. I was shocked. I had been completely bypassed. No one had told me this, and no one had told me there was any other problem than that Virginia appeared to be too proud to work out an arrangement without involving threatening me (she made good on that threat with a full Black PR campaign on me beginning in January, 2022). I sent my first direct e-mail to Loren and asked him why he did that and what was he doing. I was angry but the tone was subdued as I was struggling to understand and thought there could be a reasonable explanation for what looked like betrayal.

(continued – Part 2 of 2)

Betrayal After Trust

12. No explanation was forthcoming. Loren stated that he thought he was doing me a favor, and asked, as if he needed my assurance, “…right?” Which came off as a rhetorical and unnecessary question. Loren was later (October 2022, when I sent him a “Happy Birthday”) to use my failure to take him literally and answer that particular question (which I had definitely implied was “yes” in my reply) as his excuse to at first, end our co-audit relationship, and later, to un-friend me.

Using My “Resume Copying to Friend” E-mails as Justification for Launching a Full, Public Black PR Campaign in Collusion with Virginia McClaughry

13. After seeing that Loren was curiously prone to accusing me of failing to satisfy a question, I began copying close friends involved (and close family) on our e-mail exchange. At one point I tried to narrow things down, thinking Loren needed complete privacy to answer my question about what happened to make him think I could be bypassed and left in the dark about a moving out at my own house. I told him no one would be copied and I kept my word. However, the reply I got back was in no way conciliatory, but contained more of the same antagonism. I resumed copying my e-mails on my reply to inform him that I was unhappy with his refusal to answer. Robert, who had been copied, wrote Loren to appeal to him to look at what Virginia had done to our friendship. This reply was used by Loren to accuse me of lying to him (the assurance that I would not copy others was now broken but I failed to announce that in my anger at seeing the same stonewalling over his failure to inform about my own house).

Loren Launches Full-Blown Black PR Campaign Starting with Sharing Our Private E-Mail Conversations to His Public Facebook Page

Holding Scientology Up to Scorn and Ridicule

14. At the end of October 2022, Loren began posting our private e-mails on his public Facebook page, enturbulating our mutual friends. This included accusing me of applying $cientology “Disconnection” as he intentionally misduplicated my parting words, “I do not wish to hear from you so long as you remain connected to Virginia,” which is a reasonable and generic request. Loren chose to interpret this as me using “Scientology” and enforcing “Disconnection” rather than a closing down of a communication that was obviously going nowhere.

Refusing to Disconnect from a Person Knowingly and Avowedly Anti-Scientology

Here on this post (02 March 2023) you see Loren, a whole year later, re-igniting an old conflict after he stalked and harassed me on “Scientology Deprogramming” (some of the posting there was removed due to his harassment). He is still connected to Virginia (who did not think I would figure out she was posting as “Barbara Lee” – a fake Facebook account – all done in collusion with Mark Plummer), who launched a full-fledged and very public (from her website with dozens or hundreds of subscribers) Black PR campaign which Loren participated in, which included accusing me of being a “Nazi sympathizer” (refuted completely on my WatchfulNavigator wordpress site in Part II) :

Recently, Loren Spethman connected up with Mark Plummer on Facebook, in full knowledge of his role serving as intelligence agent under Karen de la Carriere, deep-state asset tasked with controlling the message in the “field” (see also my “Intelligence Troika” article).

Mark Plummer has recently been heavily involved in covering up for David Miscavige rapes:


(…but apparently, according to the thinking of Virginia & Loren: “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” )

This may eventually become a three-part post and updated right here, as needed. I am not going to clog my site here with multiple posts. I have made it known that the attacks need to cease, and when they are taken down in full, this post will be taken off-line.

I am moving on to resume my work which I largely interrupted giving up the bulk of my home space for two years, in trying to help a distressed couple, Mike & Virginia McClaughry, who had exceptional research skills and an important library of information uncovering L. Ron Hubbard’s (founder of the Scientology religion) intelligence background and his ties to the slavemasters running intelligence agencies across the planet.

Despite making it clear that their stay was temporary – giving them a full year’s notice and extending that by an additional 10 months later – and asking only that they pay a fair share of their use of utilities (no rent ever charged), Virginia threatened me several times that I would live to regret cutting ties with them – even though that was my right to have done at any time. This was the action of a bully, and several encounters I had with her regarding my reluctance to do her bidding were also done in a very bullying manner (reminiscent of Scientology Sea Org drama that women developed interacting in that authoritarian, militaristic environment she worked in). Recently she has been making good on those threats.

In fact, since they voluntarily left the premises of my house in March 2021, despite offering to extend their stay, Virginia has made no further research posts. The only posts she has found the time and energy to do have been attack posts that complain about me, or some aspect of my interactions and communications with them.

(Virginia has her own ideas about how she’s saving the planet by making the slavemasters recognize the error of their ways, at which time they will instantly become “good guys” again and stop oppressing good people)

This post is not about what we agree or disagree on. I obviously hold her work in high esteem or I would not have bent over backwards to see it continue…

Virginia’s attack posts have been coming at me on the Internet since April 2020, at which time I negotiated a truce and her attacks were withdrawn (for a while).

(Virginia’s idea of communicating with me is to send out a post on the Internet and to the in-box of her subscribers – this is known as “shame-posting”)

(more shame-posting, and this post has been restored as of this year, and is being used once again, as it was then, to accuse me of conspiring to commit a crime, which is in itself, a form of extortion)

The shame-posting and public attacks resumed at the beginning of 2022, and in these last months have been accumulating… Mostly these are based on wildly mistaken (or else intentionally malicious) interpretations of old, private e-mails Virginia has no business making public (even worse, many are taken from private e-mails furnished her by Loren Spethman, formerly my co-auditing/therapy partner who went behind my back and betrayed my trust in him sometime in the winter of 2021).

Loren Spethman has posted my personal e-mails and taken personal information out of context in some desperate effort to make me look bad in front of our mutual friends (some of whom were successfully turned against me). Loren accuses me of various things, including inventing allegations of criminal conduct, where he posts lengthy pages of laws he thinks I may have been in violation of, regardless of the actual situation and what my real actions taken were, all of them well within my lawful rights, most of them quite ethical and fair.

I am going to try to keep this short, and limit this at first, to furnishing proof that Virginia knew otherwise than what she accused me of in two of her posts.

If I decide to publish a full accounting or timeline, this will become Part III.

For now, here are some highlights:

  • V. continually interrogated me, starting with our first e-mails; in contrast, I was never interested in the barrage of details V. hit me with, and I often tuned her out; I was interested in information pertaining to her attackers – sure – who were also my attackers, but I did not ever take notes except on a few occasions after the fact, when she’d bullied me with ferocity and I needed to de-compress and document what had taken place
  • V. before I drove up to help in April 2019, never, ever discussed arrangements for their utility usage, nor did they once they arrived at my place; I told her clearly this was a small, older home, unfinished, extremely dusty and in the middle of several remodeling projects; the only thing I ever agreed to and that we discussed before I went up there to help them move out during an emergency eviction deadline, was to accept the risk of losing my job (a common ploy of CIA-$cientology hostile operations) V. was never promised any amount of time to stay, but the general understanding that I conveyed was that they were welcome to stay for a time until they could figure out where they could go
  • V. and Mike were given a clear verbal notice on 10 June 2019 – after V. attacked me verbally (screaming that I was an “abuser of women” and taunting me with nasty comments about my Argentine girlfriend whom she had never met) and attempted to get me to step outside and fight her (assault her), but did not succeed – that they had until 01 June 2020 to find another place to stay (this was extended later in April 2020, under the duress of cv-19 and in anticipation of Christine’s arrival, to allow an additional 10 months, which this time I put in writing)
  • V. was spying on me and particularly on my Facebook posts (see first article screenshot above)
  • V. made legal threats – implied and express – when she couldn’t otherwise get her way (see second article screenshot above); I once asked her point blank if she would actually use the state apparatus against me (when she did not want my friend Christine to arrive from Los Angeles to occupy an upstairs bedroom) and she affirmed with a snarling, “Yes, I would!”
  • V. – particularly making this a full-time problem in the last year after my return from Argentina (I traveled as often as I could to allow them space and time to complete their work, and to preserve my own sanity), made it impossible for me to get much of anything done during the day when I was awake, because she blackened the windows from any sunlight downstairs (I occupied the other upstairs bedroom) and insisted on sleeping during the day, when I needed and wanted to work on the house (I did not use this as an excuse not to take care of the place responsibly for all of us)

Virginia has had ample time by now to review my responses to her nonsense, kept to only one Facebook group (“Free Zone Scientology”), and therefore has no excuse for keeping up the libelous attacks on my character. I sent her a private e-mail message (copied openly to Loren) but she promptly put it up on the Internet on her site and published it, along with more personal details about my house and neighbors (known as “doxxing” – from the word “documenting”).

Part I – Here is the first post we are going to take up, although it is so over-the-top, especially for those who know me (including Virginia herself and including Loren Spethman), it seems ludicrous to even take it up for consideration. The proof I am going to furnish, however, reveals Virginia didn’t have a misunderstanding on my past associations, but took advantage of an ambiguous, private e-mail note in order to do so:

So Virginia depends on this maneuver in her attempt to convince the reader that I am a “life-long member” of a movement… Which movement? The pro-Nazi or anti-Nazi movement? It’s not clear reading that sentence alone, but anyone who knows what the original Black Panther movement was about should have no problem figuring that one out. (By the way, did anyone notice my response was to her interrogation of me about why I was even interested in the Nazi connections to the suppression of human freedom? the impatience on her end with my supposed naivete?)

So here is a timeline of anything Nazi-related over the course of my life:

  • 1972 – at age 7 I read an adult book, “The Hiding Place” – which is about a Christian family who hides a Jewish family in World War II until they are caught and sent away to a work camp (I cried at the part when she learns her sister dies). I resolved that I would learn all I could about evil in the world and do something to stop it. For a long time Nazis were a main representation of evil to me (and still are in the context of a larger picture including who their Jesuit-Vatican-British nobility masters are). Later in life, I watched more than a couple times, the movie made about the book.
  • 1988 – I attended a lecture given at the University of New Mexico by an Economics professor who called out Board of Regent member Frank Bormann as a “fascist,” and I started a student movement which resulted in an event during which the Board of Regents departed their meeting because the student protest was “too lively” (and resulted in the take-over of the President’s office in the Spring of 1989). At that time I thought the only way to fight for human freedom was to join the enemy of the Nazis – the communist movement (I became disillusioned with this approach within a couple years, but I did not drop my opposition to fascist government).
  • 1992 – I worked in support of the American Indian Movement (led by Russell Means) and the opposition to the celebration of genocide following the Columbus “discovery” of America, and led significant actions in support of the overall action, including writing articles exposing the Bush family Nazi connections (I was acquainted with the LaRouche publications that far back).
  • 1993 – I joined staff at the Church of Scientology, Celebrity Centre Dallas, where I would serve 11 years (plus an additional 5 years at the Costa Rica mission) in part, because I felt Hubbard was anti-Nazi and had answers to the abuses and over-reach of government of the kind often compared to the Nazis.
  • 2012 – After being excommunicated from the Church of Scientology, I took a renewed interest in promoting human freedom and exploring solutions to evil and totalitarian assaults on human freedom, and among other things, began following Mike & Virginia’s articles and work on exposing the roots of Scientology, learning more about the context of the Nazis and World War II and who really started that whole thing going.
  • In the interim V. and I had numerous conversations where it was clear that my central interest was in human freedom and the right to “alter or abolish government” (Declaration of Independence) – right in line with her work.
  • ca. 2017 – Scott Gordon is blocked from the Facebook group “SCIENTOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE” by its owner (Norwegian, neo-Nazi Tommy Stahl) for posting material challenging his holocaust denial…
  • even before these attacks started and long before she made such a ridiculous accusation, I was already a volunteer on a site documenting and indexing archives from death-camps during World War II…
  • the entire e-mail needs to be studied in full context:

(a little more context, as the full e-mail exchange from which Virginia has pulled one of my rushed statements out-of-context – note Virginia’s condescending attitude for me being “naive” at the time, about the role the British slavemasters – and the Harriman-Bush families on Wall Street – played to put the Nazis in power – and nowhere do I ever express admiration for Nazis – WTF?)

Part II – concerns Virginia’s attempt to shame-post me with the slur of “Slumlord”

(because “slumlords” work full-time energetically for weeks on end, and even hire professionals at their own expense to accommodate the new guests, setting up air conditioning for V. and paying the electric bill for it…)

  • When the McClaughrys arrived in April 2019, the plumbing drainage had been working fine for one or two people – the occasional guest. Within a couple weeks, the plumbing was backing up. It was an old system. We did not know what to do. I personally dug and had installed, a clean-out unit. That made it easier for a plumber to unclog, but it was still backing up every couple weeks. Thanks to Mike’s work, he dug around and traced the outline of the old plumbing. This made it easier to work out a solution (we were quoted about $12,000) and Loren and I designed this solution and I implemented it with Mike’s help – saving us a lot of money. I still spent the $3000 I made over the summer on this project, and by October it was fixed.
  • I paid for Loren to hook up their washing machine, and hook up the used gas stove that Mike bought.
  • I bought and paid for Loren to install, a nice ceiling fan for Virginia’s room.
  • I paid for Loren to run electricity wires to an air conditioning unit they had brought along. (This unit cost an extra $100/month in electricity, for which I paid half that cost the first summer, and all of the cost, the second summer of 2020.)
  • I paid Loren and joined in the work for two full days (and then more for later upgrades) to fix a leaky, shallow-pitched roof over the kitchen in the back.
  • During the first weeks and going into several months, I worked continually moving their stuff back and forth – sometimes three or more times – trying to get the rubix-cube puzzle adjusted so we could fit as much as possible into a small house with limited storage. I sometimes worked all waking hours doing it. Eventually I worked out enough room to save them their $90/mo. storage warehouse rental and bring all that stuff on site, safely inside.
  • I paid a mechanic (that Virginia found me) an extra $150 (yes, I was overcharged) to look over Mike’s brake light and advise him how to fix it.

Does that seem like a “slumlord” to you? (And consider that I resided upstairs in the tight spaces of a small house minding my own business and letting them get on with theirs.)

So I have been repaid for my efforts with heavy and repeated attacks, far beyond what most normal people will believe or confront, so that inevitably it’s easier to distance themselves from me in a state of doubt and confusion.

That is called, “black propaganda.” It is “black” because it seeks to darken the reputation in your eyes of me, my person and my work.

It was used for many years on Mike & Virginia by field agents and private investigators outside the Church of Scientology, and by intelligence agents deployed to flank that effort and make sure the McClaughrys were “utterly ruined” and silenced as much as possible.

It was used on me by those same people – albeit not nearly to the degree I witnessed it used against them.

Apparently now, Virginia has flipped, and is using these same techniques against me.

Virginia, shortly after I helped them relocate to my place for a shelter from the relentless bullying and attacks directed at her for her work in exposing the massive fraud of the Church of $cientology, revealed herself to me as selfishly controlling, and abusive. I have concluded after standing up to several attacks that became vicious beyond reason or justification, that Virginia is herself a toxic, malignant-narcissist bully.

I am not interested in taking credit for buying them two years with which to operate in relative safety and extend their valuable work. But that is what I did. Even for almost two full years after I had made it clear to both Mike and Virginia together, with their understanding and nod of agreement, that I was no longer part of any team or project of theirs, but would allow them a safe space from which to continue their work and plan their next move.

I was and still am, simply interested in getting on with my life, apart from theirs.

That is my right.

Anyone in violation of my rights is engaging in criminal behavior and is subject to laws against this. Libel and defamation always has been and always will be, unlawful.

So consider this a fair warning to anyone who even contemplates violating my rights.

Otherwise, and it goes without saying, you are respected and appreciated for taking the time to read this.

Part III – (because Loren Spethman just won’t quit after two years have passed…)

Loren Spethman Revives Black PR Campaign Smearing Scott Gordon
(for Scientologists – contains terminology unique to Hubbard Scientology – “PTSness” means being under the influence of another (usually a bully-dominator) and not ones own self-determinism – it’s a great way to throw away years of spiritual progress, which only comes back when one wakes up and ceases the connection with such a person)

(Part 1 of 2)

My last public statement on the matter of a co-audit twin, Loren Spethman, going PTS, failing to handle or disconnect, becoming insanely critical and going out-ethics as a means of being right about a betrayal of friendship and trust.

Here is the truth:

1. As of the beginning of March, 2020, our co-audit was in great shape. Rudiments were in, auditing actions had been taken to a rest point and cases were F/N VGIs with no missed withhold phenomena.

2. As everyone knows, the Covid-19 psy-op began on March 13, 2020 after I made it up to my Pueblo, Colorado house having spent a couple of weeks co-auditing and working at Loren’s place.

PTSness – Stage One – Government Genocide Starts

3. Loren and his family went PTS to government propaganda channeled through CNN, which was a constant at his house. He rejected the possibility of further co-auditing on the basis that I could bring the “CV-19” disease from outside. Meanwhile at my house, Mike & Virginia (who as master investigators had every opportunity to research the same data that I did) were also going PTS to government propaganda – every point of which has since been proven emphatically false.

4. Virginia McClaughry on April 15, 2020 launched a public attack on me (shame-posting me on my website) for doing no more than announcing I was taking on a room-mate in the upstairs section of my house that I occupied (they occupied the downstairs). I was trying to rescue a female friend who was trapped in Los Angeles during a very uncertain development of police state conditions there. Virginia began and continued leveraging emergency, extra-legal (not actual law) measures surrounding covid recommendations and threatened to involve the authorities and expose me to serving jail time (Loren was to further this strategy later when he went to the EPA about contaminated soil in my basement). Virginia finally succeeded through bullying and screaming at my friend Christine, in running her off, despite only having to deal with her briefly, in passing, about once or twice per day using the shower and bathroom located downstairs. Loren was aware that this is how our mutual friend Christine was treated. Virginia loudly accused my friend of being an “agent sent to disrupt their lives” with no evidence and no events other than being a little loud in the shower in the afternoons (Virginia refused to abide by a normal sleep schedule and insisted on darkening the downstairs and sleeping all day).

5. Christine spent the next 10 1/2 months homeless and driving from place-to-place answering ads for shelter during the covid panic and de facto lock-down, forced to ward off abusive males who thought they could take advantage of her. Meanwhile, Scott Gordon honored his word and written agreement that the McClaughrys could get through at least one more winter before they would be subjected to relocation to alleviate the failure of Virginia to negotiate their arrangements in good faith and to stop the threatening and bullying confrontations whenever the question of living arrangements and responsibility for general (billing) expenses was raised. Scott paid all of their bills including Internet, the last full year they were there. Virginia without making any arrangements, had simply ceased paying. She refused to share the house with one more person in need, with a space upstairs out of her way, and she refused to contribute to the extra heating, air conditioning and water and sewer use they brought about.

PTSness – Stage Two – Knowing and Willing PTS to a Suppressive Person – (the very same suppressive on the case he was supposed to be responsible for auditing).

Withhold of Vital Information

6. Loren went PTS to Virginia when she began calling him (as early as July 2019 and as late as February 2021 – Loren will not say). Loren chose to keep this contact secret. When a known neighbor (David) began banging on the door during one of these calls, Loren became aware that Mike & Virginia had a problem (Virginia told him a neighbor thought she heard David claiming he was going to move in after they left – which was either a misunderstanding or a lie and in any case, never happened). Loren chose to keep me in the dark and did not inform me of this problem. Virginia would later issue an article about the loud banging on the door (happened on two separate occasions, though the police were never called) in an effort to paint me as some kind of “agent” who had recruited David to harass them and make them leave. I knew nothing of this (approximately February 2021).

7. Loren was blind-copied on my reply to Virginia after Mike & Virginia responded to my reminder they were supposed to be moving out (and extending their stay if they would just pay electric, internet and trash service). In this reply, Mike & Virginia threatened me that I would “regret it” if I persisted in enforcing the move-out agreement issued almost a year earlier and re-iterated during a mid-2020 meeting (the only meeting Virginia ever called, during which I reminded her that just because I was nice and cooperative did not mean I had changed my mind about the need for them to leave).

8. Because I held my position, reiterating that I wanted them out of my life, and offered the McClaughrys an extension only if they would pick up a reasonable share of the utilities they were using, Virginia became enraged and called Loren behind my back and arranged for him to come up and help them move out. This was done mid-March and two weeks before the agreed date. It was done all night, with Virginia yelling orders to Loren the whole time (per a later report of a neighbor).

More Withhold of Vital Information

9. Loren never told me he was at my house. The McClaughrys had left their key with a neighbor, and wrote me a short note saying that. That was all I knew. I had no idea what was the condition of the house or what was done or not done about things that could go wrong in winter (the kitchen faucet was broken due to freeze damage, for example). Loren was there and they were safely on their way, but he still did not call me.

More Withhold of Vital Information and First Missed Withholds

10. When I made arrangements (April-May 2021) with a mutual friend (Robert) and another (Christine) to drive up and check on the house (Robert was going up on the way to Washington state, but got diverted from a storm and did not arrive back for months), Loren had direct contact with Robert. Loren knew we were in the dark about the condition of the house. Loren chose not to say anything about his having been at the house. At first Loren agreed to go up with him, to “help.” Loren backed out, however, and handed Robert the key he had to my house.

Bypassing Creates Danger Condition

11. May 2021 – I was finally informed by another, that Loren Spethman had been at my house in mid-March, moving things out with the McClaughrys, who had finally decided to leave. I was shocked. I had been completely bypassed. No one had told me this, and no one had told me there was any other problem than that Virginia appeared to be too proud to work out an arrangement without involving threatening me (she made good on that threat with a full Black PR campaign on me beginning in January, 2022). I sent my first direct e-mail to Loren and asked him why he did that and what was he doing. I was angry but the tone was subdued as I was struggling to understand and thought there could be a reasonable explanation for what looked like betrayal.

(continued – Part 2 of 2)

Betrayal After Trust

12. No explanation was forthcoming. Loren stated that he thought he was doing me a favor, and asked, as if he needed my assurance, “…right?” Which came off as a rhetorical and unnecessary question. Loren was later (October 2022, when I sent him a “Happy Birthday”) to use my failure to take him literally and answer that particular question (which I had definitely implied was “yes” in my reply) as his excuse to at first, end our co-audit relationship, and later, to un-friend me.

Using My “Resume Copying to Friend” E-mails as Justification for Launching a Full, Public Black PR Campaign in Collusion with SP Virginia McClaughry

13. After seeing that Loren was curiously prone to accusing me of failing to satisfy a question, I began copying close friends involved (and close family) on our e-mail exchange. At one point I tried to narrow things down, thinking Loren needed complete privacy to answer my question about what happened to make him think I could be bypassed and left in the dark about a moving out at my own house. I told him no one would be copied and I kept my word. However, the reply I got back was in no way conciliatory, but contained more of the same antagonism. I resumed copying my e-mails on my reply to inform him that I was unhappy with his refusal to answer. Robert, who had been copied, wrote Loren to appeal to him to look at what Virginia had done to our friendship. This reply was used by Loren to accuse me of lying to him (the assurance that I would not copy others was now broken but I failed to announce that in my anger at seeing the same stonewalling over his failure to inform about my own house).

Loren Launches Full-Blown Black PR Campaign Starting with Sharing Our Private E-Mail Conversations to His Public Facebook Page

Holding Scientology Up to Scorn and Ridicule

14. At the end of October 2022, Loren began posting our private e-mails on his public Facebook page, enturbulating our mutual friends. This included accusing me of applying $cientology “Disconnection” as he intentionally misduplicated my parting words, “I do not wish to hear from you so long as you remain connected to Virginia,” which is a reasonable and generic request. Loren chose to interpret this as me using “Scientology” and enforcing “Disconnection” rather than a closing down of a communication that was obviously going nowhere.

Refusing to Disconnect from a Person Knowingly and Avowedly Anti-Scientology

Here on this post (02 March 2023) you see Loren, a whole year later, re-igniting an old conflict after he stalked and harassed me on “Scientology Deprogramming” (some of the posting there was removed due to his harassment). He is still connected to Virginia (who did not think I would figure out she was posting as “Barbara Lee” – a fake Facebook account – all done in collusion with Mark Plummer), who launched a full-fledged and very public (from her website with dozens or hundreds of subscribers) Black PR campaign which Loren participated in, which included accusing me of being a “Nazi sympathizer” (refuted completely on my WatchfulNavigator wordpress site in Part II) :

Virginia McClaughry – Malignant, Narcissist Bully – and Her Malicious Smear Campaign Being Waged Against Scott Gordon

Recently, Loren Spethman connected up with Mark Plummer on Facebook, in full knowledge of his role serving as intelligence agent under Karen de la Carriere, deep-state asset tasked with controlling the message in the “field” (see also my “Intelligence Troika” article).

Mark Plummer has recently been heavily involved in covering up for David Miscavige rapes:


The “nuttiest” conspiracy theory, ever! (until it’s not…)

As used in this article:
[“$cientology” = Hubbard’s joint intelligence project, preserved as the Church of $cientology, yet mostly with admirably sincere adherents | “Scientology” = the study of Truth and Knowledge, and the philosophical tradition of helping others with it – L. Ron Hubbard got it started (amidst many other assignments) and established highly successful methods of doing just that]


Watchful Navigator 1st Announcement Naming the Intelligence Troika

(The three profiteers – PR Troika – Tony Ortega, Leah Remini, Mike Rinder.)

And based on information posted at various points along the way, I have concluded there is an “Intelligence Troika” right behind them:

Karen de la Carriere – Jeffrey Augustine – Tony Ortega

While I have already and many times been “taught” that old lesson, that the penalty for blowing cover on deep-cover agents protecting government secrets is hell-on-Earth, I get a little tired of my friends getting played.

I have sworn... (1960)

Those who are unaccustomed to the world of intelligence, please understand that secrecy is paramount – the avoidance of paper-trails (evidence) and especially the often-deadly game of maintaining cover and hiding connections at all costs.

You are not going to get admissions (except on a death-bed) from them, nor are you likely to find “dox” (documents). But if you know what to look for, you can piece together a strong case for revealing what intelligence is put there to do. Keep the public confused about what the powers-that-should-not-be are really up to with their one-world, neo-age religions.


Karen De La Carrriere – Christine Rosair (Defense Intelligence Agency)

“She told me about her years…”

She told me about her years as an intelligence operative in the defense department. And she also told me about all the years she worked on Operations against $cientology’s “enemies” at OSA Int.

More on her intelligence background and its ramifications…

He has confirmed there is indeed evidence of Karen’s involvement in the Defense Department and that he will be publishing that evidence – along with a number of other documents – as soon as he is done with the current project he is engaged upon.

NEW! – And here we go – in her own words – “High Security Clearance to deal with Black Programs…” (How does someone have a dual career in $cientology and the Defense Department, including the top-secret NRO program?)


Church of $cientology reports give additional clues…

She also engaged in a long-term arrangement with a married British parliamentary adviser. She was set up with a posh apartment, expensive clothing and a large allowance, to be available on call for her services.


Jeffrey Augustine – Master Mason (Knights Templar)

[Jeffrey Augustine – also has top security clearances – is married to Karen de la Carriere]

Along the way, Augustine became a Master Mason and a Knight Templar. A scientific lighting expert by profession, Augustine has worked on lasers, medical devices, UV-C water treatment, and even lighted the prototype of a space vehicle. The author lives in Los Angeles with his wife Karen de la Carriere, an extraordinary woman who was once a very high ranking member of the Church of Scientology.

Jeffrey Augustine covers up Hubbard’s intelligence background…

“I really don’t see it based on all the research I’ve done that he would have had any value to the CIA. Because 1.  He just didn’t have enough ships or airplanes. He didn’t have trained people… HE DIDN’T HAVE ANY FORMAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE CIA THAT HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED OR FOUND OUT THROUGH FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTS.  In fact quite the opposite… you can go to the actual CIA website and see what they have on the church. …mostly a collect of newspaper clippings about scientology and L. Ron Hubbard.  Very prosaic stuff.  So I just don’t see it.”

– Jeffrey Augustine (as transcribed at link above)

READ THIS ONE – More cover-up work by Jeffrey Augustine…

Jeffrey Augustine.  Mister I-Hate-Anyone-Knowing-Hubbard’s-Real Background (in intelligence).  Augustine doesn’t disappoint, doing his level best to steer John off that point after first presenting the idea that “no one” would have Hubbard in intelligence because of…. wait for it… his character.

We need to talk about that for a moment because this is one of the arguments Jeff discusses with Atack in the podcast.

Jeff seems to love to confuse intelligence cover with the person’s character.

One could ask: Why is that Jeff?

Attacking the McClaughry Research team – Jeffrey Augustine “Humor” Goes Dark

Note that Jeffrey Augustine keeps talking in his articles and interviews about “some guy” (he’s trying to position me! – Scott Gordon – WATCHFUL NAVIGATOR) who “wants to believe” that L. Ron Hubbard was a life-long intelligence agent so that he can remain the war hero that Scientologists have been led to believe in.

Sorry to disappoint, Jeffrey!  I don’t think Hubbard’s career helping the CIA was a “good” thing…

And everyone who’s followed L. Ron Hubbard and his lectures and policies knows that L. Ron Hubbard claimed that the CIA was a “suppressive” (as in “bad – really bad”) organization out to “steal mankind’s last hopes of freedom” (and how right he was about the true intentions of his masters, as he lied through his teeth – well I guess he would have to, wouldn’t he? – covering up his own connection).

I have personal knowledge that Jeffrey Augustine has been recruiting for freemasonry in the ex-Scientology community.  Freemasonry should set off a few alarm bells, since it is an insular cult with secrecy vows that would make a Scientology ‘OT’ cringe with terror.  A freemason is a ready-made intelligence officer who can be trusted to follow authority and keep its secrets.  And the Knights Templar is no entry-level mason group.  At that level, the controlled opposition rivalry with the Catholic church and its secret societies (in this case, the Knights of Malta who run the CIA for our “benefit”) no longer applies.

I have saved the best for last.  This guy is notable not for his credentials (as revealed in the first two) – but for his lack of credentials.


Tony Ortega (suspected CIA Mockingbird reporter under investigation for aiding underage sex trafficking)

Aside from completely missing or occluded years in his early adulthood biography, we find Tony bragging about one of his “key” articles.  It was actually, a brutal gaslighting of a victim of CIA mind-control operations and vicious attack on the reporter who dared to bring Sue Ford’s (“Brice Taylor”) detailed accounts to public attention.  (I’ve read her book, and you should, too.  It is a must-read.)
“Thanks for the Memories” – Brice Taylor

Here is Tony Ortega doing his smear job in 2000 (he’s so proud of it, he pulls it forward for re-publishing – in his supreme arrogance, he assumes you will find her story unbelievable because his masters have laid the groundwork and pop culture punishes real CIA mind-control victims, as “nuts”) to discredit her:

Tony Promotes his CIA Mind Control Hit-Piece

Debunking hokum, mind-control division

Recently we were asked by a reader about some of our non-Scientology writing, and, at nearly the same time, someone else asked us about the phenomena of people who claim that they are mind-controlled slaves of the CIA.


Smear Campaign Against Brice Taylor

Encouraging patients to explore those reactions, she eventually unraveled complex layers of mind-control programming that had resulted from years of trauma. Her patients recovered memories that satanic cultists had ritually tormented them as children, an experience that caused them to develop multiple personalities, or “alters,” which crowded their subconscious minds. CIA mind controllers later programmed these alters using drugs, electric shock, and other forms of torture. Monday learned that the alpha alter was the one patients presented to the world, while betas were sex slave alters (nearly all of her mind-control patients and the patients of other therapists undergoing similar treatment are middle-aged white women), and deltas were assassin alters. Monday found many other alters the more she dug into her patients’ minds.

– from the news broadcast segment on Dr. Pamela Monday

Like I said – you have to get the book (pirate copies are on the Internet if you need to sample it, first, before you order) for the details that make Brice’s story not only credible, but explaining of so many things I can’t go into in the space of this article.

The Village Voice – once a strategic propaganda page for the heart of New York City – was likely an abandoned CIA Mockingbird project before Tony Ortega “just happened to come along” (was assigned) and made use of it to simultaneously facilitate child sex trafficking (a deep CIA operation) and open up a controlled-opposition frontal assault against the Church of $cientology:

Tony Ortega’s Involvement in Child Sex Trafficking

“The Village Voice was converted into a human trafficking criminal enterprise. Tony Ortega lived off the money of sex trafficking, much of it from minors, for almost six years. This is not gossip, and I am not the first to mention it. It is in a Senate investigation report. It has been written about by media watchdog sites… and [he] finally turned on the victims trafficked there and worked to dehumanize them by calling them ‘underage prostitutes,’ not children, which they were. There is no such thing as an ‘underaged prostitute.’ Minors who are forced into sexual slavery are not ‘underage prostitutes.’ He tried to poison people against his victims! CHILDREN.”
(also featured here with numerous links – scroll down)

Tony Ortega’s Sex Trafficking Cover-Up

So, the purpose of the paper was not to sell papers!  Nope, it was for using the paper as a front for Backpage sex classifieds.  And to obtain the income, from advertisers.  And Tony Ortega was holding up that front, for five and half years.  Which is one reason nobody cared how he used the paper as a front. And Tony Ortega did take liberties.  Such as the one right above attacking Kutcher for having enough courage and integrity to speak out about the child sex slave trade the Village Voice was fronting.  Because all of the income was being generated from the classifieds section. The back page of the Village Voice, which was called “Backpage” which went digital on the Internet.

Tony Ortega’s Bosses Go to Jail

In the unceasing parade of human folly and hypocrisy, perhaps there is no better example of a man who, for years, falsely accused L Ron Hubbard and all Scientologists of endorsing and condoning pedophilia while he himself had made 90% of his paycheck off of Backpage sex traffick advertising, which led to horrific instances of child rape and murder.

The more you get past the idea that it’s all just a Scientology Fair Game operation of guilt by association to discredit one of their most vociferous critics, and look at Tony Ortega’s factual history, economic connections, and defense of the notorious BackPage.com, the more difficult it becomes to scrape your jaw off the floor in alarm.

Smart Enough to Start Backpage.com

The Voice and five other “alt” publications were acquired in 2005 by the New Times Media group, which had recently started an online classifieds website—Backpage.com. Pimping became the major business model at the tabloid chain, soon known as Village Voice Media. “The people I work for,” Ortega would later gloat, “were smart enough to start Backpage.com.”

So there it is:

The Intelligence Troika of $cientology:

Karen de la Carriere – Jeffrey Augustine – Tony Ortega

(Full-Time Operatives)

And guess who they DO NOT want you reading?

ALL 3 of them jumped all over this one…

Black Operation now completed – Karen, Tony and Jeff rejoice at having successfully leveled mind control tactics at their erstwhile flock, and for banning anyone from linking or even discussing Mike McClaughry’s work (and mine, by extension since I find most of it).

– Virginia McClaughry

You want to know how I discovered what these people were up to?  That’s how.  I simply shared some information I was learning from the research of Mike McClaughry into the intelligence connections and background of $cientology founder L. Ron Hubbard – who, by the way, is about the only person or subject I have ever heard of where you can not get a Freedom of Information Act request back for anything to do with what he was really doing with $cientology and his service record as an intelligence officer (bits and pieces have leaked out about his war-time Naval intelligence officer years).


So that is the Intelligence Troika positioned outside the Church of $cientology.

They do their work almost exactly like it is done from inside the church.

Their primary mission is to prevent the public from ever finding out that Hubbard $cientology was from the very beginning backed, facilitated, manipulated, and utilized by international intelligence services.

Their secondary mission is a little more difficult to grasp or demonstrate – particularly with the degree of betrayal and skepticism following the ejection of thousands of adherents of the Scientology religion for questioning the emerging evidence of corruption. (And back when it looked like Marty Rathbun would “play ball” with their plan, you can bet that Jeffrey Augustine as “J. Swift” had his/their own proposal for establishing Independent Scientology outside the church.)

Somewhere along the line – heymore than once – their plans have changed.

For example, as soon as it was seen that Independent Scientology could not be led and controlled, the orders evidently came down to just wipe out the practice of free and independent Scientology training of auditors and their practice of auditing (trauma counseling and philosophical-based counseling).

Why? Because the de-programming aspects of auditing done outside the control of Hubbard’s church or similar apparatus, are too unpredictable – they can relieve the effects of physical and psychological trauma – and this is completely at odds with their investments in mass-programming and the original intention to sequester these cooperative-help, self-improvement techniques into an insular cult that no one cares about (unless it is entertaining, in which case they’ll script shows and make money coming and going, and turn people off to Scientology even more than they already are).

“Make it unpopular” – just as Hubbard wrote –  NO ONE WILL GO NEAR IT.

Basically, if you are doing Independent Scientology outside the church, you don’t know who to trust, and that is exactly how they want it.  Members of the Troika and their followers have added the harassment of anyone who continues to practice Scientology auditing, another primary target serving their masters (and incidentally – exactly serving the interests of the original and of the new, David Miscavige version of Hubbard Scientology).

It’s so easy to do in an atmosphere of betrayal and loss.  Just use the general word “Scientology” when you mean the David Miscavige religious version until the word when uttered, produces a sense of rage.  Then build up a sense of collective guilt for so many of those guilty of not stopping what a handful of criminals enforced on the majority decent adherents of the faith.  Don’t neglect to drop subtle hints about auditing being “mind control” and plant the idea that the talk-therapy element could be used as an excuse for hypnotically altering personality to suit cult objectives.

There.  You have successfully “de-popularized” auditing.

Keep the de-programming therapy sequestered in the authoritarian cult.  If it frees minds to some extent, you can still brainwash them with “policy” and more powerful forms of control outside the auditing room.

You want to know what happened to the momentum and energy of the independent movement that could have swiped another few thousand away from the clutches of the $cientology cult?  To Marty Rathbun?  To Steve Hall?  To anyone who would not “play ball” with the hidden faction planted right in our midst?

Going back to the very beginning of this post:
Karen throws money at Independent Scientology leaders (“Shmooze Cruise” – the “Going Clear” tour, and other “business transactions” – you know who you are!) – and that is how their work is done.

As a matter of fact, notice that the very same techniques used to get you into $cientology are being used to get you out and away.  It’s a much easier, cheaper, more reliable method of getting rid of all your “grassy knoll witnesses” without killing all of them.

I myself qualify as an “Independent Scientologist” – (by definition, only – there is not any real “movement” left at this writing).  I find valuable techniques sequestered in the engineered mess of $cientology, and I teach and and encourage others to put them to good use.  These techniques fall apart when they are not used for good purposes.  This is why Hubbard sequestered them into organizations, where executives weren’t expected to know or use these techniques, but to follow orders.

Following authoritarian “command” IS the mind-control of $cientology.  Yes, fraudulent and hypnotic methods are used to build a prison of BELIEF.  But it is belief in authority that the state-sponsored religious cult wishes to instill.  And if a little therapeutic auditing is needed to lure you into the trap, what the hell…

We must never, ever let that happen again.  Practice auditing away from organizations or at least with a minimum of organization and even then – with no hierarchy beyond that minimally needed to deliver and correct the quality of, the auditing and training offered.

L. Ron Hubbard – brilliant man that he was, did in fact bow to an agenda – one he appears to have been in agreement with – and allowed himself an organization that catered to his every whim, and allowed his organization to be infiltrated and used by the very sinister forces he claimed to be against.

Yes, he did seem to pride himself on quality of the technology of helping through communication-based therapy.  That was good – whatever his primary motive.  Perhaps he needed to pour his goodness into helping mankind with effective techniques in order to counter-balance a shredded but screaming conscience over all his betrayals.

He did do the work.  He did work hard – many are witness to his sincerity in these periods.  He did even fraudulently convince some of us that he personally sourced and owned all of the work.  But.  Allowing his fatal policies of secrecy and authoritarian control to ever dictate its use again, after knowing what he really did, would be foolish – if not actually evil.

It’s totally okay with me by the way, for you to, “GET OUT!” of $cientology.  Just do it on your own volition – understand what you are doing, and process it fully (Scientology auditing not required – just some journaling and reflection to go along with your research and discovery of what really happened).  In fact, I have helped many persons to do just that and so has – don’t forget –  Marty Rathbun (too often wrongly accused of going back to the church).

Don’t do it in that crowd which is being skinner-box-conditioned by the Troika.

Finally, I am going to leave you with a list of top Troika supporters.  I have no idea how deeply they are actually hooked in, but…


Working for the Troika:

Chris Shelton – (regularly makes trips to Los Angeles and Las Vegas to meet with his mentors Karen and Jeffrey, for guidance in producing his on-the-steep-decline “Scientology Critic” show)

Nancy Many – (had no problem stepping up to carry out an operation against the McClaughry family – not many years ago and around the same time as she released her book, which is itself a powerful account of Hubbard’s abuse and her suffering at the hands of OSA – the Office of Special Affairs of $cientology)

Mark Plummer – (called up friends of mine trying to turn them against me and foil my trip to get together for auditing; runs groups and bully-manipulation gambits for Karen; viciously attacks friends of Arnie Lerma for questioning his suspicious death)
Screenshot_2019-08-25 Wayback Machine

Scott Pilutik – (attorney and co-writer for Tony Ortega – suspected of having a past connected to the old $cientology Guardian’s Office – but he won’t answer questions about that – being “on assignment” like that [Tony Ortega blog articles don’t make a whole lot of money] certainly raises suspicion – Arnie Lerma outs him on this page which you will find if you search the name ‘Pilutik’)

Mike Rinder – (a co-star of the Leah Remini show which exposes $cientology tragedies but carefully avoids real crimes and ongoing operations Mike was a part of – besides having personal incentive to keep himself out of jail, Mike Rinder just plain took the money – he has exposed far too little – and he has not exposed several critical operations out of those family-destroying and life-destroying, ongoing mafia operations he had a hand in running, up through his departure from the church in 2007)

(this is the “public relations” – shiny side of intelligence, or, “White CIA” – always coming from “good families” or established Hollywood stars or trusted operatives)

The LEAH REMINI SHOW is a huge distraction – it’s not bringing about reform, hurting the church or even covering anything new – and Marty Rathbun exposes their attempt to recruit him (and what a price he was made to pay for turning them down!).

Lawrence Wright – (see Marty’s revelations about Wright’s deliberate mis-characterizations of key events in Scientology history in Wright’s book, “Going Clear” – as a mainstream author who has been permitted to write books of interest, we find Wright covering up for the CIA here in his earlier book: The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (if you believe the government’s conspiracy theory that CIA-imported muslim extremists with box cutters brought down steel towers with commercial aircraft) – there is no intention here of accusing him of being CIA, but he certainly had their blessing and his background of studies in Egypt certainly fit a familiar profile – suspiciously, we see Wright closing out the 1980’s “satanic panic” with a “nothing to see here” account of a plausibly deniable case they labled “False Memory Syndrome” in his perfectly-timed 1988 book “Remembering Satan” – a cogent counter-argument to Wright’s “limited hang-out” here)

Alex Gibney – (this is the “public relations” shiny side of intelligence – always coming from “good families” [father Frank Gibney was CIA] and therefore supported strongly in mainstream media, and with the huge budgets that filmmakers need to work their propaganda – while the film “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” was interesting and informative, it knowingly relies on Lawrence Wright’s deceptive accounts and serves a purpose we are never told about)

Russell Miller – (when you see someone who is entrusted with writing about royalty, be very aware – this is Majesty Intelligence turf and it is heavily guarded – despite evidence turning up regularly that refutes Miller‘s refutation of L. Ron Hubbard’s war record, he refuses to budge – it is very much worth noting that Miller mentored anti-$cientology writer Jon Atack for many years before Jon went on to write his own book, “A Piece of Blue Sky” – which is detailed and informative, but forwards the “falsified war record” cover-up of Hubbard’s Naval Intelligence operations before Hubbard’s talented services were converted into his CIA-backed founding of a religion – to his credit, Jon Atack has recently been speculating about intelligence ties into $cientology)

The Nasty Underbelly (Criminal Underworld) of Spy-dom:

Gary Scarf – (dead, but still deserves mention as a double-agent – so dirty that he was asked to carry out a murder, as he put it in a sworn affidavit, by OSA Int Security [OSA Black Ops section headed by Linda Hammel – who now runs OSA – The Office of Special Affairs for David Miscavige] – became a disruption agent in the ex-Scientologist community going back-and-forth in his loyalty with the church – and therefore was suspected of feeding information back to the church for money)

Joe Lynn – (classic paid troll – living-with-parents who were major military brass as Arnie related to me), basement-computer “activist” part of the 90’s new Internet army versus $cientology – now dead, he still deserves mention because of how evil he was [he was also a child predator once protected by major cult leader Alan Walter] – he had never done a single Scientology service, and yet was full-time on the job at ESMB [Ex-Scientologist Message Board – always monitored by OSA – taken over by the finance of Karen de la Carriere] and also how not once in over twenty years did I witness a single instance of anyone calling him out on his nasty language, irrelevant postings, steering hot-topic-threads off-topic [apparently his main job], attacking and de-railing hot-topic writers Arnie Lerma and several others – I’m afraid that Joe Lynn seems to have been helping the Defense Intelligence Agency pioneer its social media trolling that you now see coordinated on Facebook)

Many, many others who put $$$money$$$ before Principle.
Arnie Lerma identified and warned of them here

(And shouldn’t I at least mention that David Miscavige and his government-connected attorneys running $cientology and inuring millions of dollars illegally from a “non-profit” 501c, officially government-recognized “religion” – are probably the deepest CIA-Mossad-MI6 connections of all?  $cientology was their best candidate for a one-world, new-order religion of the future, as a projected alternative to the neo-feudal Catholic plan which is failing miserably.)

NEW Bonus – ESMB-Facebook Spies & Censors (ESMB = Ex-Scientologist Message Board)
(to catch a Facebook Spy – just post a http://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com article and see who shows up to slime your thread! – hint – you will get lame, but foaming-at-the-mouth complaints of how “angry” they still are with the McClaughrys some 18 years after the fact – only get this – Mike & Virginia didn’t hurt anyone – they merely successfully outed agents taking over message boards, and that is unforgivable)
* Terril Parks (continuous strained natter directed at Virginia at every opportunity – and then some…)
* Ralph Hilton (started the false and slanderous “LSD in the toothpaste” rumor)
* Gene Trujillo (launched an attack using the LSD rumor, on 24 Aug 2019)
* Mark Plummer (see above – Homeland Security Agent – attack dog used to intimidate)
* Aida Thomas (regular censor & defender of Karen de la Carriere)
* Claire Swazey (regular censor & annoying defender of the Troika)
* Caterina Ethier (Kiki Budura) – recruiter/coordinator of agents/stalkers working Facebook (see screenshot for a sub-list including some not known before and not featured in this article – March 2021 update)
Screenshot_2021-02-20 Facebook Groups(4)* see note below

Agents or creepy stalkers?  Take your pick.

Many of these people (and other unknown trolls) also made false reports to Facebook flagging informational posts and links to the McClaughry work, getting these posts (or me) removed – sometimes BANNED.

Since this list is becoming a check-in reference for both Scientologists and ex-$cientologists – go ahead – join the list – and make our day…

*NOTE – presence on the above list does not confirm involvement in CIAntology intelligence operations – only that they are in Kiki’s circle of influence and therefore “dupe agents” trusted to support her gaslighting and message positioning.

I really am done with this intelligence game (other than strictly for defensive purposes, as I have done here with this article).  Intelligence not conducted strictly as a rightful means of defense, is actually the black art of deception, and this deception has been used by the same slavemasters for the same evil purpose for countless thousands of years – maybe longer – on this earth.

MI6, MOSSAD, KGB, CIA, NSA, DIA, SS, KKK, OTO, Church of Satan, Scottish Rite, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Jesuits – Freemason religions (Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, etc.) – Mafias – all for the same old uses – pyramid schemes for holding onto power – dark, black-magick power over others – over their minds, their souls, their dreams – stolen and replaced with coerced exploitation (various forms and degrees of slavery) and maintained by inculcating belief in authority and belief in government.

The attraction for the little people like you and me is always the same:  the excitement of hidden knowledge and secrets, the lure of special membership, promises of position and power, and of course, money-money-money.

But it is all funded by their coercive THEFT of our resources using taxation and inflation, and a global network of financial fraud (bloodline crime families) which has been in place for centuries.  Put another way:  YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK.

The Troika work for them.  They have to work.  They were not born into the “right” families.  But the right families have arranged it so they do get compensation and bonuses for their work.  The “carrot.”  The secrecy oaths and non-disclosure contracts tell of the “stick.”  At that level, you go away “for long time!” – to island in Panama, and you get back “with the program.”

“Stats & Production Record” – sound familiar?  You really think $cientology thought of that first?  Was Hubbard imitating or “duplicating” (orders)?

$cientology is just the modern version of their same old scheme.  The church still receives millions annually in donations, while the Hollywood mafia rakes in multi-millions of dollars in Leah Remini Show ratings.

All their roads lead to the same dark cesspool of suffering (“hell”) and focus on a dark energy projection of out-of-control selfishness (“ego”) that has long been assigned the term, “satan” (not a literal person – but a concept – and yet a very real mass of dark energy).  They have sold their souls, and so they want you to join them in their misery.  They are all covertly selling you “satanism.”  Worship of SELF – above all else.  ME-ME-ME.  The “only one.”  The dark side of EGO.  “I’ll earn my place in the New World Order by TURNING YOU IN.”

TRAITORS.  To the Human Race.  TRAITORS.


At the Pentagon – the planning, coordination and execution of operations (including domestic cults) bringing violence and death to mankind. Staffed by pedophiles and mindless order-followers – many of whom, lying to themselves, actually believe that they can get away with “serving two masters” – and some even have gone so far as to lie to themselves that they are actually serving “Christ.”

And while it is very important to be abreast of these techniques and the existence of secret societies who will factually kill each other for violating their oaths of secrecy – especially when those secrets are crimes – there is no important cause, country, religion, cult, secret society or anything else, that trumps Truth and Honesty and respect for the Natural Law rights of every sentient being in the universe.

However, I remind those who should know, that DEFENDING FROM HARM is one of those Natural Law rights I shall continue to exercise, and that makes EXPOSING these nasty mass-mind-control operations, a DUTY.

I have sworn... (1960)

“I have sworn Hostility against every form of TYRANNY over the mind of man.” – Thomas Jefferson

Please if you are so inclined, feel free to check into my projects of releasing the helpful aspects of Scientology auditing (counseling) to the general public, free of charge and away from the control of religion and intelligence cults.

This work is truly FREE




Recommended further research:

Mike McClaughry’s groundbreaking, original research (“Scientology Roots” taken off-line)

Marty Rathbun’s Exit from $cientology & Whistleblowing

Allen Stansfield Investigations

Current Conditions (exposing child trafficking)

Arnie Lerma Investigation & Memorial Page

Quit Your Cult:

Mark Passio fills in the Missing Knowledge that Hubbard Withheld or Ignored

[humor (until it’s not…) – a song I wrote – just before the intelligence dragon swallowed me whole…]

Come Out From Babylon:


Normally a brilliant lampoon artist with a long record of laughs for his humorous shots at Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, Jeffrey Augustine looks to me to have come home drunk from the Los Angeles area get-together in the park yesterday:

Planted at the end of this very confused attack on Mike and Virginia McClaughry for continuing to reveal the intelligence background of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard we find the following:

“Murder By Numbers”

Once that you’ve decided on a killing,
First you make a stone of your heart.
And if you find that your hands are still willing,
Then you can turn a murder into art.

There really isn’t any need for bloodshed,
You just do it with a little more finesse.
If you can slip a tablet into someone’s coffee,
Then it avoids an awful lot of mess.

It’s murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your ABC.
Murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your ABC.

Now if you have a taste for this experience
And you’re flushed with your very first success,
Then you must try a twosome or a threesome
And you’ll find your conscience bothers you much less

Because murder is like anything you take to
It’s a habit-forming need for more and more.
You can bump off every member of your family
And anybody else you find a bore

Because it’s murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your ABC
Murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your ABC.

Now you can join the ranks of the illustrious
In history’s great dark hall of fame.
All our greatest killers were industrious
At least the ones that we all know by name.

But you can reach the top of your profession
If you become the leader of the land,
For murder is the sport of the elected,
And you don’t need to lift a finger of your hand

Because it’s murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your ABC.
Murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3,
It’s as easy to learn as your A, B, C, D, E,……….

It’s not a secret to those of us in intelligence community research, nor to Knights Templar Freemason Jeffrey Augustine, that Hubbard’s CIA handler Miles Copeland also happens to be the father of Stuart Copeland, drummer for the smash-hits rock trio “The Police.”  So it makes perfect sense why Jeffrey chose to feature their music, as he nevertheless desperately struggles to depict Miles’ tell-all material as “dangerous and deranged.”

What doesn’t make sense to the targets of his article, Mike and Virginia McClaughry and myself (Scott Gordon), is why besides planting violent imagery like:
“Can those two take this plunge off the edge of the world? Or would it cause their heads to explode?”
…why Jeffrey would choose of all the Police band catalogue, to leave us with “Murder by Numbers” (perhaps as a closing reminder of the high-stakes manner of retaliation he’d like us to believe our whistleblowing disclosures merit?).

This is going far beyond the fun humor that “OTVIIIisGrrr8” is known for.  This is in reality using a supposed humor channel to pass along a veiled but chilling, implied threat, and may be an indicator of how desperate Jeffrey is to contain the McClaughry revelations on behalf of his displeased masters.

In other words, he’s feeling the heat.  So much so that by my reading, he is flirting on the edge of crossing the line over into illegal harassment.

Jeffrey was counting on his regular readers not to pick up on exactly who he was referring to in his opening paragraph.  He was counting on those named to take it shuddering in silence.

And since we’re sure he’s going to take this down shortly for that very reason, here is a screenshot of his drunken handiwork for posterity:


Calling Out Karen de la Carriere…

I have been campaigning for a more coordinated effort between the ex-Scios who are activist, and Indies who care about reform, so that the Miscavige monopoly could be broken a little more than it already is, and so we can also have real examples out here of non-abusive and more inclusive Scientology.

It just has not gone over well.

There are a few however, who see the wisdom in this approach – and not so coincidentally they are not present since they are not welcome, at Tony Ortega’s – at Mike Rinder’s – at Karen’s ESMB (yes Karen and Jeffrey have been running ESMB in case nobody has caught on – and now watch them hold another CommEv on me over there, asking me for “evidence” of that…).

Mike Rinder in particular, due to the exposure he has been getting to “under the radar” church members, should have been able to work this in, and actually did a little, up until the South Africans went independent and then no more. But now you can see some of his material is being ghostwritten by Karen and/or Jeffrey Augustine.

And Karen, despite still auditing clients and being an LRH-trained Class XII, is busy playing “OSA” (as was her hat officially for 5 1/2 years – although now it’s looking more like an ongoing career) and mustering haters and attackers instead of – what are we talking about here – effectively uniting the very two factions she is all-over-the-map involved with – haters, attackers and ex-SO-still-Indy “victims” (Karen-made) who have lost their way – their purpose to take down Miscavige and have been instead persuaded to turn on others like Marty – like me – who won’t join up and follow with her new flock.

It seems that media finally now has no fear of corporate Scientology, but lawyers still do. Once again, I see that Karen has since 2013, retained and suborned the last effective lawyer who once won in a big way, for Debbie Cook. Since Karen could make (or break) the next lawsuit due to having positioned herself so centrally behind the troika and their sheep, then I hold her primarily responsible for the big ZERO in effective lawsuits over actual grievances, which in so doing could accomplish big steps in reform.

I once told her there are many of us who couldn’t qualify for Garcia’s $40K limit for participation in his suit, but who were yet close enough… pffft…

And where is her lawsuit against the church’s supposedly libelous expose’s on her?

I think this “old lady who has been backing Rinder” and throwing money around the field has been and is, following another agenda entirely. And I see that she pumped quite a bit of energy and resources into shutting down at least one of the persons (Alanzo) who had testified with direct hints she gave him as to where that agenda might be coming from.

Why do people who ask these questions of her get attacked or “disappear”?

Yes, Karen most of all, could have been the one to unite this field against her supposed “enemy” but has been busy, busy, busy – organizing, controlling, intelligence-gathering, public relations, articles, payments, transfers, appearances, cruises for shmoozes – doing lord knows what and why.

I am staying tuned here [Marty’s] because I keep getting more and more clues as to why it is that there is little or no work being done (not just ASC but FreeZone and Indies, too) to take effective measures to reform, bring about justice and put an end to abusive versions of Scientology.



Marty Rathbun is Back…

Here are some important clarifications to the auto-translation that appears in the video if you are watching with “closed captions” (and this is intended further, to function as a glossary) –

*ad nauseum (not “at mezame”) – over and over to the point of nausea

*mimesis (not “nemesis”) – to mimic or copy in servile fashion

*troll forum (not “troll form”) – place where haters and agents gather to spread rumors and lies to influence and inflame the rest of the ordinary folk there (places like Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker or Mike Rinder’s “Something Can Be Done About It” blog or “Ex-Scientologists Message Board”) – they are *cowards* as they will not reveal their true identities nor for whom they are working

*troika – group of three people (word of Russian origin) – can you guess who these three are? (helpful hints in my final words below)

*90% (not “19 percent”)

I view Marty’s video here as the opening shot in a series which is going to have the two popes (David Miscavige, Tony Ortega) of their respective cults, running for cover, as well as the Queen Bee and her worker bee order-followers. Their day is coming.

No rest for the wicked!

Marty Rathbun – “Introduction”


Moving On Up a Little Higher

View original post


Dennis Clarke passed away from this life on May 9, 2017.

Your father, Dennis Clarke, was an inspiration and help to me. He was one of the greatest confronters of evil I have ever met, courageously and tirelessly working to expose the brutalities of psychiatry despite continual attacks from many fronts.  But along with all that, he was also one of the sharpest intellects and thinkers I have known.  His ability to shed light on events and conflicts, and to lead people out of herd mentality and into reason, was phenomenal.  When everyone around was clamoring for war, Dennis stood up for peace.  He was a leader and a man of integrity, and a very helpful influence to me.

Scott Gordon

Dennis was a friend of mine who helped me through a major investigation into criminal fraud somewhere west of Dallas, in the course of carrying out duties in my sphere of responsibility as Director of Special Affairs at Celebrity Center Dallas for Office of Special Affairs of the Western United States.  This was not a minor affair.  In fact, the corruption surrounding this long-time Scientologist we were investigating went so high up into the church, that for a brief period I trusted Dennis more than I did my superiors in OSA.  His detective work in getting the final, damning evidence needed to seal the case, and his ability to accurately report on it, made all the difference.

While I acknowledge that Dennis was not of exemplary behavior at all to those exercising their first amendment rights in picketing the church (I do not blame Mark Bunker for example, for how he’s said he feels about Dennis) or in practicing their religious freedoms in the new David Mayo organization called the “Advanced Ability Center,” there are many overriding reasons that I am not ashamed to call Dennis my friend.  My affinity for this being who did more than any I know to expose the criminal, evil aspects of institutional psychiatry boldly in public, is not alloyed.

I was a “fanatic Scientologist” too, when I knew and worked with and corresponded with Dennis Clarke (2003-2012).  But by this time he was older and wiser, and no longer focused on protesters or detractors of the church.  By this time, having been subjected to Fair Game from his own group, he was aware of a bigger picture of society and had a far more responsible and caring viewpoint about things.  He confided in me and I in him.   He shared concerns with me that people in the church – specifically OSA – were working on destroying him.  In turn, I pointed out to him that David Miscavige was not following Hubbard policy and in fact was being extremely abusive and had been steering the church into a fatal course.

Along with a “memories of” post I am going to share at the end, I’ve also collected some comments made by others who knew and worked with Dennis, to give a wider range of viewpoints – positive ones – to balance out what has been said elsewhere.

The following are excerpted from this post Marty Rathbun made about Dennis Clarke in 2011:

I certainly remember Dennis well from my early CCHR spokesman days. As I recall, he was the national spokesman while I was the spokesman for California. So I got to know him a quite a bit for a time.

FWIW, I also observed he could become “overstimulated” upon occasion. Yet he was someone I was proud to go with into battle. He never backed down.

Obviously his loyalty blinded him to the horrible threat, and ultimately death-star level devastation, within the church. But he certainly was not alone in that regard.

So here we are again, with M&M and other Indies moving in on the line to provide aid and comfort to a fallen comrade. Doesn’t matter if he/she is heads up or tits up.

To me, this is an acid test of whether we abide by The Code of Honor or not.

To me, this is one clear way we can evaluate who is real and who is a fake.

Scios lurkers, please look closely at this situation.

It speaks volumes. And at some point (my guess is really soon) each of us must choose a side to stand on.

After all, there are no spectators on the Road to Freedom.

Thanks to all who are helping.

Vic K.

This next one was in reference to Dennis working a radio show in Clearwater, for which he was attacked by as he put it, the “new CCHR group” there —

Sad but not surprising. Last I remember seeing Dennis was a decade or so ago in Clearwater where he ran an anti-psych radio show. I walked into his studio one day with my camera and with his permission took bunch of shots. Dennis was visibly delighted by this attention (though I was with OSA that visit was spirited by my personal interest). Dennis at that time was considered a loose cannon, a potential security risk… Wouldn’t Dennis – or anyone for that matter – kind of pick that up??? That they are excluded, not included. It’s one of the worst things you can do to another, make him or her feel excluded. Terrible stuff. So I think I felt for Dennis at that time, wanting to show some support.

Thanks Marty for answering the plea for help. I am not surprised that you did. You sir, are awesome.

And part of my reply to that:

…Dennis blew the whistle on these things [Ponzi schemes to “get going up the Bridge”] in reports and then got run out of town, losing his successful LRH-oriented radio show to these arrogant partisans who cut his financial base with third party.

Dennis started producing brilliant, early-warning write-ups about the post 911 war-mongering about to embroil the 4th dynamic, an Eli Lily cabinet White House, loss of civil liberties, Bush’s first psych meds prescription, etc.  He put ethics in on the warmongering taking hold on the Scientologist e-mail groups and generally set a good example of “independent thought” along the lines of LRH data series and ethics and justice.  This is when [all that] was quite unpopular amongst this crowd.  Many didn’t appreciate being reminded about LRH’s anti-war stance.

Dennis took up unpopular calls for justice for the poor and disenfranchised during a period when it was getting more and more popular in the group to blast people as “downstats.”   And he continued to be hit for it with reports from the most highly-placed of OT[Ambassadors] and DM [David Miscavige fanatics] bots.

Then in recent years, in his passion for uncovering nutritional and other related pro-survival technologies, he set about helping others gear up for the avian-swine flu, uncovered by his own research months before it hit the media.   Dennis stumbled upon the now-recognized miraculous breakthroughs in Vitamin D research.  This is today starting to finally reach mainstream media and the broader culture as a vital, but generally deficient nutrient, [a] cancer preventative, plague-virus preventative, and general health and immune-system builder long neglected due to poor and false advice to avoid sun exposure.

Dennis… faithfully stayed on the subject educating his readership for years.  Thanks to his [patient reminders] on that, I am among those of his readership now enjoying excellent health and a family member of mine was cured of a chronic condition once that deficiency was addressed…

“Change no man’s politics, change no man’s religion…” – LRH [one of Dennis’ favorite LRH quotes]



Monte Wow, I hate to hear this news about Dennis. Although I never met the him I did, on a few occasions, attend talks he gave when he would come through Portland back in the day. I always liked him and admired his modern day warrior beingness. Years later when I was living in Clearwater I would tune in daily to his 3hr long radio show, The Human Rights Hour. The HRH was not a radio talk show where any listeners would call in. Instead, it was Dennis filling the 3hrs with personal anecdotes, reading reports from numerous sources, interviewing really interesting guests and so on. Easily, the lion’s share of his program pertained in some way to the health care field. He also, of course, had shows about Dianetics and he often would play an LRH lecture. As I most of the time listened to his show through a litle boom box I had that also had a tape recorder. I ended up taping hrs and hrs of his programs. That noted, here’s a little side story about what I did with some of those tapes.

There were three guests that Dennis had on his show on a frequent basis. It was obvious that he really liked them and they really liked him. These three guests were: Dr. Udo Erasmus, the creator of “Udo’s Oil” (wonderful product!!), Dr. Sherry Rodgers, who shared incredible info straight from studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Assoc. This info that Sherry would bring to the table turned out to be a major process of false data stripping. And finally, there was Dr. Ann Blake Tracy who was an expert on psyche drugs. Well, I selected what I thought to be the best interview that each of these individuals had done with Dennis and I made numerous copies of each. Then, on a trip I made from Clearwater to AR then to TX and back to FL, whenever I came even close to a health food store, I would stop in, visit for a while then before leaving, give the mgr of the store copies of these three interviews. A couple of yrs later when I made another trip to AR, and stopped back in to a couple of stores that I had visited previously I noticed that they were selling books by all three of Dr.s and also were selling Udo’s Oil.

Dennis Clark’s sphere of influence was certainly of no small magnitude.

As far as the CoS’s and church mbrs not reaching out to help a fellow mbr in need, this lack of compassion and lack of willingness to lend a helping hand, is, per my observations, not atypical amongst organized groups. This is the manifestatin of a species that has become “dis” e.g., disconnected, disassociated, disaffected, disparaged, dispassionate, disloyal, disillusioned and so on.

This phenomeon of throwing fellow mbrs under the bus in their time of need even occurs within the so called secret societies. For example, My grandfather was a 32nd degree Mason and when he reached a point in his life where he really could use a helping hand and turned to his group expecting one…well, no helping hand came from the Masons.

Okay, that being noted with regards to organized groups, I have seen and experienced in cyber communities, when someone in such a community hits a hard spot in the road, there is no lack of compassion and actual help that other mbrs of the community are ready and willing to flow.


Some Memories…

Dennis Clarke was President of Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights for many years, before Miscavige pulled a coup on him behind his back, leaving him stranded in Mexico (late 80’s?) while heavy third-party was being generated and criminal Jan Eastgate was imported from Australia, where she had covered up Scio crimes (I do not know many more details than that).  Dennis came back from his hard-working tour through Mexico to find he’d been taken off post!

I am sure it was maddening for him the rest of his life, to never know that the COB had engineered such a heartless and brutal attack on a really effective spokesperson against criminal psychiatry. (I tried to drop such a hint to him when I got him to look at DM’s criminality before I was outed and declared SP in May 2012, but he believed in David Miscavige to the end because as he put it, he’d witnessed David “handle Shelly so wonderfully” when they’d gotten out of their limo where they had apparently been fighting, just before arriving for a movie showing at Flag, and felt that “proved” DM had “compassion” – yeah, I know…).

Dennis Clarke was the first winner of the IAS Freedom Medal, which in that day was actually awarded for something real. I’m pretty sure that this status showered on him by David Miscavige blinded him to the later, brutal betrayals of this despot against him.

I am aware of his earliest days reportedly “womanizing” around CCHR (which won him some female enemies in OSA), and his infiltration work for RTC’s nasty Fair Game operation against David Mayo in 1984, and his arguably bullying actions against picketers throughout the 90’s – Dennis was a true believer and energetic defender of his religion.

I wanted to share however, some extremely positive points about this man who once helped bail me out of trouble while investigating a corrupt field situation with a criminal fraud operation that went so high up the org board that my own post was seriously threatened and I was on the edge of a Comm-Ev removal from post for “attacking an upstat” [Scientologese for a “successful person” who should be “left alone” – which was at times taken to extremes, even when the person was demonstrably involved in criminal activity].

[I will tell that exciting story another day, because it’s too long for right here, and so it’s not that appropriate.  Dennis did some impressive investigative work and helped me shut down a criminal operation, and finally got me exonerated from doubts over what I was doing with the case.]

To me, Dennis was a person of integrity and head and shoulders above the typical corporate Scientologist in that regard. I think that he kept my secret in regards to tipping him off about the criminality of Miscavige coming to light in the emerging Tampa Bay Times Truth Rundown (he told me that of all the people – opinion leaders included – my alert to him in the form of an impassioned appeal message, was the only one that got him to really “look”), and in return I had already kept and continued to keep, his originations in confidence that OSA was infiltrated with “agents” and that some were actively working on taking him out (as in “killing” him), which I know seems paranoid, but from what I knew then and what I know now, I still believe to have distinct possibilities of being valid.  Of course, I know that by the time of Marty’s article, his mind was beginning to break down and this lingering feeling of persecution, rooted in older, actual situations, became a source of great distress to him.

David Miscavige really had long been “after him,” even if the greatest danger was no more.

I have no problem believing internal operations of such an alarming nature did occur in this criminal organization deep within OSA, along with parallel operations being run by outside agencies, some with interests supporting, some with interests against, Scientology.

I have no faintest doubt that David Miscavige was continually upset at Dennis Clarke’s Opinion Leader status and his incredible influence over the field, and his integrity such that if things like the “illegal 6-mo. checks” (which did raise Dennis’s interest greatly when I pointed it out) or David Miscavige’s betrayal of the public by violence and inurement of IAS and other funds, ever got through those filters of his defending his “religion,” he had the capability of bringing more down than even Debbie Cook did with her OL [“opinion leader”] status and letter. If you could have convinced this man that those crimes really did exist, he would not have tolerated it for a minute.

Dennis could not break away in the end, and when I, still “under the radar” and making preparations to drive to Clearwater and give him assists (about to bring an e-meter which in retrospect was dumb because although I had no great “back-off” – it would have not been okay with anyone since I was not of his case level – OT V), called him up at his Clearwater assisted-living home, he asked me point-blank if I was in “good standing” to which I replied honestly, “yeah, technically, but I think I’m in trouble” – he politely and graciously thanked me for the offer and said I should not drive all the way out to do that (plus other friends were rightly worried about my safety in Clearwater since it was becoming more and more obvious I wasn’t really “under the radar” anymore with OSA – they had people around Dennis who in retrospect as I write this, must have had access to his computer where my “treasonous” – to Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige – e-mails could be found).

So I’ll break it down into simple points some of the things he did during the time I knew him, which was long after all the work he did with major media appearances speaking out against barbaric practices of criminal psychiatry (I neither stupidly believe psychiatry has the answers to the mind, nor go to the other extreme and deny that there are not some decent psychiatrists, like Jung, Berne, and many others, very much worthy of study).

*Dennis Clarke stood up boldly and spoke against the war when Bush had 90% approval ratings and much of the Scientology field was very caught up in this and justifying the war (which as you know turned out to be illegal and practically baseless).  He did not just “shout people down” though – he painstakingly developed his arguments and presentations using a combination of LRH quotes and inspired writings from other sources.  On this Dynamic he demonstrated that he was a man of peace and steadfastly against the brutality of war.

*By the time of the 2004 elections, a number of Scientologists were becoming so blatantly political that e-mails began circulating from “official” church (Sea Org!) terminals caught up in it. Dennis and I talked about this epidemic at length, and though I was in transition to Costa Rica, I still had the ear of OSA Int, and we both put in the “Scientology is non-political” datum in “with a bang” – not – for the reason of tax-exempt status (which won the day with OSA) – but on principle. Dennis had taught me the mechanism in the mind that drives people to extremes (it is in the technical material on the Goals-Problem-Mass and audited on OT II to some degree) for which I will be forever grateful, since even without ever doing OT II it freed me from group-think and compulsion to “play teams” and “choose sides” (things that by the way, helped me straighten out in myself, a sense of real justice in contrast to Hubbard’s problematic “us vs. them” justice rampant in Scio think).

*Dennis pushed the breaking Vitamin D research (some would say too far, but the important point is that it has turned out to be highly important health information) with a constant stream of high-quality technical articles and presentations – he cared about getting this vital information out – and we both figured out an important truth with regards to race and skin color in humanity, and that is that the only reason for varying skin color and especially lighter skin for the human body at Northern latitudes, is to accomplish the absorption of Vitamin D from solar exposure, so that young females could develop bone structure suitable for childbirth (today they solve that unnaturally, with C-section births).

*Dennis was greatly concerned about reports of arsenic contamination in wells being drilled for third world populations, and he actually traveled overseas to investigate it first-hand. In the end he found that the contamination was “natural” (deposits of arsenic-concentrated veins in the earth) but we both remained suspicious, considering the WHO (World Health Org) was involved and people were being poisoned. The point here – whatever you believe about our suspicions – is that he cared enough to spend the time and go and look for himself.

*Dennis continually blew the whistle on numerous “Ponzi schemes” that fanatic and unethical Scientologists would continually concoct in hopes of getting rich and getting up the expensive Bridge. He was continually attacked by those who knew they were being foiled. Dennis demanded that businesses have exchangeable products and did not look well on pyramid schemes, at all.

*Dennis continually campaigned for justice using the most sensible quotes he could find (not limited to LRH). He was pushing Human Rights long before OSA finally came out with their campaigns after 2002 (and this ties back to my comment about his passion for peace within and between nations).

Yes, I know you some of you who were on the receiving end of this guy at protests will probably spot some uncomfortable ironies here – but Dennis was no typical, robotic, corporate Scientologist. His example of integrity in many areas, was positively inspiring to me – and I know to many others in the Scientologist community – and, in the end, this was part of the inspiration I would need to summon the courage to leave the criminal church, and to eventually today, continue whistleblowing and campaigning for real justice.

Dennis Clarke had quite a positive impact on my life.

Although I ended up cut off by “Disconnection” from Dennis, I always hoped he was doing well, and I know for certain that there is going to be quite a powerful being coming back to this earth in the near future.